Chapter 17 (The Bartender..)

Start from the beginning

*Lance listens to there conversation quietly*

"Leave me alone Lotor..Why can't you just leave me alone?!" - Keith

"No, You can't fucking tell me what to do you useless piece of shit!" - Lotor

"W-What..Can't you stop already..Its not funny..." - Keith

"All I'm saying is the truth Keith, Now how about you listen to me and come to my house? Or is some crazy bartender gonna come and save you again???" - Lotor

"Why would I come to youre house?! Heck no! Leave me alone!" - Keith

*Lotor leans in, Grabbing Keith and trying to force him to kiss him*

"Oh that's it.." Lance thought as he quickly ran up to Lotor. "Keith said be wants to be left alone, Leave him alone dude" Lance said. "And if I don't?" Lotor grinned. "Oh, I swear I'll--" Lance got punched in the face by Lotor, Which shocked both him and Keith. "Lance!" Keith screamed and looked at him then at Lotor. "How could you..?!" Keith had tears in his eyes. Lance looked up to see Keith punch Lotor, And then tried tackling him with his weak strength. Lance quickly got up and Pinned Lotor to the ground, Giving him the stank eye and telling him to leave. Lotor got loose of his hold and ran away, Not looking behind. "Thanks..Again.." Keith said. "Its Okay, Really!" Lance smiled. "Uhm, Who is he though?.." He questioned. "He's..This crazy dude who uhm..Hurts me alot..I met him from a friend of mine.." Keith started trembling. "Oh, Okay, Well he shouldn't hurt you at all, I mean it like look at you! You're small and cute and you have an amazing smile and--" Lance looked to see that Keith was adorably red. "Aww! Cutie!" He giggled. Keith blushed more and covered his face.


"Heyy, Let me see youre beautiful face!" Lance teased. "Noo..." Keith disagreed. "Cmonn~" Lance didn't know how much it affected the boy until Keith uncovered his face, A huge red pigment right across his cheeks. "So..Cute..." Lance smiled. "T-Thank you.." Keith smiled shyly. "Oh, Youre hurt..I'm sorry Lotor punched you..Let me help heal the wound." Keith said, Glancing at the wound. "Its alright and uhm, Come to my place, I have bandages there if u really Want to help." Lance explained. Keith gave a simple nod and they walked over to Lances house. Lance got the keys out of his pockets and opened the door, Walking in and allowing Keith to come inside as well.


Keith quickly ran to the bathroom and found some bandages and a first aid kit. He walked over to Lance who was touching his wound a bit. Lance layed back on the couch, His head facing the ceiling and his eyes shut closed ever so gently. Keith blushed as he noticed he was staring at him and got the bandages out of the first aid kit, Trying to act normal. He put on some rubbing alcohol over the wound on Lances forehead gently. "Ow! Stop, It burns!" Lance shut his eyes and tried to relax. "Lance, Its okay its gonna help the wound, Just try to stay calm." Keith insisted. And as told, Lance calmed down and held Keith's left hand tightly. "Uhm, L-Lance let go, I need to put the bandages on." Keith said. "But I'm scaredd.." Lance whined. "Just let go for a few seconds, Then uh you could hold my hand if you're still scared." Keith said. Lance said 'Okay, Finee' Only cause I trust you." And then Keith went on and Wrapped the bandages around Lances head, Lined up on his forehead. After he finished putting the bandage on his head, They both sighed and smiled at each other. Keith was getting up to put the First aid kit on the table when suddenly Lance held onto Keith's hand making the smaller boy fall ontop of him. "Whoah!" He said as he fell on Lance. "Pfft!" Lance laughed and hugged Keith playfully. "Wah?! Stoppp, Its not funny!" Keith puffed his cheeks and Lance stayed quiet for a second. "Oh my god.." Lance said. "Oh Noo...You saw nothing!--" Keith said quickly. "KEITH, WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN CUTE?!" Lance screamed as he hugged him tighter. He was a blushing mess. Keith quickly tried to get out of Lances grip and got up, Running around his house. Both boys were running now, Lance was trying to catch and hug the smaller boy, It was like a version of Tom and Jerry. Keith ran inside a room, And fell on the bed as Lance caught up and Tackled him. "Hah, I won! I have caught my princess at once!" Lance laughed. "Looks like Prince Charming is a slow poke!" Keith giggled. "I might be slow but my heart beats faster then ever around you!" Lance smiled. "W-What?" Keith blushed. "Oh, Oops..Uhm, Ignore what I said princess." Lance said nervously. "Noo, Tell mee" Keith whined. "Fine..Look, I like you Keith, I know we dont even really know each other but I feel like ive known you for years! I uhm..I really like you." Lance confessed. "And im Bi btw..But I understand if its weird since youre probably into girls and all.." He trailed of. "W-Wait, Its not weird..U-Uhm, Actually I'm Gay...I just never came out yet...And uhm, I l-like you to Lance.." Keith spoke, Very quietly. "Keith.." Lance smiled, Looking at the smaller boy, Shaking from nervousness. "Uhm, Sorry..Stop looking at me like thatt..Its not fair.." Keith pouted. "Like what?~" Lance laughed, Smiling at Keith again. "Like that! Stop itt.." Keith blushed. "Aw, Adorable!" Lance grinned, He was still on top of Keith (from the tackling) and he leaned in slowly. "So, Since we both confessed..Are you ready for, This? Us?" Lance asked softly. "I-I think so.." Keith said. "Okay..Princess~" Lance smiled. "Stopp It!" Keith blushed more. "Try to shut me up then, Princess!" Lance giggled. Keith held Lances face close to his and kissed him quickly as he said "Aw, Princess--", Lances eyed widened and he looked down at Keith, Who was embarrassed. "What did you just.." Lance said. "You told me to shut you up, So I did as told Mr. Prince charming!--" Keith giggled. Lance quickly kissed Keith back, Making him blush. "Mmph?!" He tried to speak. "Game on" Lance smirked, As Keith Was trying to comprehend what is going on, As red as a rose.

(In a rush! Sorryyy ^~^ But I hope you enjoyed! Suggest, Comment, And Vote whatever you would like! There will be a part two with Smut in the next chapter! I gtg now, Goodbye my fellow prince and princesses!~ (/^▽^)/ )

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