A Simple Sidequest (part 2)

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Chapter 22

A small huff of annoyance escaped Laura's lips as she sat on a box of spare parts that they used to fix Rolos ship.

Her head was resting against Shiros shoulder as he stood tall. It had felt like forever ever since Rolo and Lance left.

"How long have they been gone?" Pidge groaned as she glanced towards Laura impatiently. She could tell that Hunk was stressing out and she felt bad for her friend.

Laura merely shrugs as she hugs Shiros arm. "Just give them time, Pidge. For all we know they could be coming back any sec-" she was interrupted by her younger cousins voice screaming over the radio.

"Guys?! Anyone there?!" Lance cried out in a panicked tone.

"Lance? Lance! What's wrong?!" Laura was the first to answer back. She was mortified of what Lance might be doing or what might have happened to him.

"Well.. um.. I'm kinda.. chained to a tree.." Lance managed to say though very much embarrassed.

"You're what? Que chingados estas diciendo?!" Laura cried out in pure confusion. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

(Laura basically said 'what the fuck are you saying?!' In Spanish)

After Lance gave his explanation, no one could be more upset than Keith Kogane himself. He couldn't believe Lance fell so easily for Nyma. What did she have that he didn't?! Wait. No. He couldn't be like this.

"Lance, I can't believe you, right now." Keith huffed as he crossed his arms. He was beyond upset with Lance at the moment. But if he showed it, he'd just ruin his chances with Lance. He couldn't risk that.

"Whatever, Keith! Listen, guys. Nyma and Rolo stole the blue lion! We have to stop them!" Lance cried out warningly.

Hunk huffed as he exclaimed angrily, "I knew it! I called it! I said it! But did anyone listen when I said that we shouldn't trust them?! Nooooo-" He started to go off when Shiro stopped him.

"Hunk, please. We need to focus on the main subject, okay? Now, let's get our blue lion back." Shiro stated calmly as the Paladins all ran to their lions.


It wasn't the first time Laura had been in the white lion, but it sure as hell wasn't to the point where she could glide through space effortlessly. She was an engineer. Not a pilot.

Still, she was managed to be torn from her thoughts when Shiro called out to her. "Laura? Laura?! Are you there?!" He asked, worry in his tone.

Though, you couldn't really blame the guy. After all she's been through, he has reason to be protective over her.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's wrong?" She replied back with a still in thought tone.

"Nothing, you just wouldn't answer. Are you alright?" He asked back.

Laura merely smiled softly at his worry. She thought it was cute, to say the least. "I'm fine, Shirogane. It's just that I'm worried about Lance. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to him."

Shiro nodded in understanding. He knew how she felt. "Trust me, I know. But don't worry. Lance is a strong guy. He'll be fine." He assured her.

"I hope you're right.." Laura replied back simply. She just wanted her cousin to be safe. She would never forgive herself if anything happened to him.

"Pfft, you know I'm always right!" He chuckled happily, trying his best to get her back to a positive mood.

"Is that so, Shirley?" Laura teased with a small smirk. She laughed as Shiro gasped in fake offense.

"How dare you! I thought you promised to never use that name! You betrayed me.." Shiro sniffed dramatically as if he were going to cry.

Laura merely giggled in response. "Shut up! You know I'd never forget that name. It's sacred to our.. friendship" she hesitated before saying friendship. Almost like it could have been some sort of taboo.

However, reality in the form of Pidge decided to intervene. "Seriously?! Friendship?! We all know you two are a thing!" She exclaimed, causing a faint blush to dust across Shiro and Laura's faces.

"You got that right. You two are a couple if I've ever seen one." Keith chuckled softly, glad that Shiro had found happiness with someone else. He was happy that Shiro didn't decide to just give up on love.

"Th-that doesn't matter. Look! He's right there. Keith, you're our best pilot. They're heading towards that asteroid field. Go get them!" And just like that, with Shiro's order, Keith sped off after Rolo's ship.

Laura smiled as she watched Keith speed off. 'That's right, Keith. Go after your future boyfriends lion.' She thought happily.


"That was awesome, Keith!" Laura praised as Keith managed to corner Rolo and his ship.

"Hey, Lance! I got your lion back!" Keith spoke to the radio with a proud smile on his lips.

"Thank you, Keith. Now can you come and unchain me?" Lance asked pleadingly.

"Oh, uh, what's that? I can't hear you. I think you're cutting out." Keith tried his best to stifle his laugh.

"Oh, come on! Keith?! Buddy?! My main man?!" Lance called out to his future husband.


"I know you probably won't believe me, but I truly do hope that you do defeat Zarkon." Rolo sighs as he sits next to Nyma and beezer.

"Thank you, but you'll have to stay here and wait for someone else to come by and actually fix your ship without you trying to steal one of their ships." Hunk states rudely. He still wasn't having any of their bullshit.

"Hunk," Laura warned. "Be nice. Anyways, thank you for your support. I think we can all agree that we hope to see each other again. Hopefully, not because we have to go against each other." Laura smiled at them.

"Well, I do hope we meet again. And if you ever need help, know that I'm always of service to you~" Rolo winked at her with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Shiro watched from behind Laura, giving Rolo a glare that made his smirk disappear almost instantly.

"Don't plan on it." Shiro states harshly as he wrapped his arm around Laura's shoulders.
Hi, I'm sorry for not posting. I'm starting school again and I've been getting wrapped up in school and stressing about a ton of things so please forgive me for that. I promise I'll get the next chapter out in less than a week. Thank you so much for getting this story to 15k. I wouldn't be here without you guys. Thank you.

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