And So It 'Begins'

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Laura walked through the halls, her mind racing as she tried her best to hold back her tears. Her heart was beating at a million miles an hour.

She finally got over her father. She finally found out why her mother had died. And here she was, doing something even more dangerous than her mother.


As she walked, her mind started to drift off, she didn't pay attention until she felt as though she ran into a stack of bricks, sending her to the ground.

"Oof!" She grunted as she fell on her tush. Laura looked up to see none other than the blushing, embarrased face of Takashi Shirogane. What a surprise.

"Laura! Sorry, I wanted to go see how things were going and if you were alright, guess you were already on your way back. But how was it? Talking with your dad after so long?" Shiro asked politely as soon as he helped her up.

Laura smiled at his kind act before nervously brushing off her grey uniform. "It was as expected. A little surprising. But we have bigger things to think of." She stated, wanting to forget about all that had happened with her father.

Shiro nodded as he gestured to the door at the end of the hallway. "Of course! They were just handing us our spacesuits and giving us instructions, that's why I wanted to get you." He explained hurriedly.

Laura nodded as the two of them started walking down the hallway. To be honest, neither of them hurried. They actually wanted to savour the moment as it was rare that the two of them were alone and they enjoyed it as often as possible, not thinking of it as anything more than just two friends hanging out. Yeah, sure.

Shiro quickly turned to Laura as he heard her let out a small chuckle. "What's up?" He asked before smirking. "Besides the sky, of course." He looked proud of the bad pun he'd made.

Laura sighed slightly at the boys dorkiness. It was cute, in a way. "Well, you gotta admit, it's crazy that we're actually going to space. When you think about it, it's really unbelievable. As a kid, you always think that you'll be a doctor or a chef. Then you grow up and you're going to space and it's-" She started rambling, not making sense.

Shiro watched her closely, a sweet smile on his lips as he looked at the girl in front of him. It was hard for him to have his eyes off her, but he just couldn't help it. He could have easily listened to her ramble for ours but he then realized why she rambled.

Laura was nervous.

Now, this may seem normal and ordinary but it wasn't for Laura. She always played everything off, never fazed by anything, never bothered or stressed. Maybe during finals but she would always pull through. This wasn't like her.

Shiro knew what it felt like as he wasn't the chillest person on earth, far from it. But it made him sad that the girl he cared about so much was feeling this way. He just wanted to hold her tight and assure her things would be okay.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a relieved voice saying. "Thanks, Shiro. I needed this. You don't know how much it helps.." He looked down to see the voice was Laura's.

He didn't think of hugging her and assuring her things would be okay. He actually did it. Laura was in his arms as he carefully ran his fingers through her hair while sweet and soft words escaped past his lips.

The scene seemed unreal but if it was a dream, Shiro never wanted to wake up. "Of course. You've done it for me and even if you haven't, I'd still do it for you." Shiro muttered before pulling away. "Now, how about we get ready to go into space?" He asked with a smirk.

Laura chuckled before grabbing his hand and leading him to the room. "Hell yeah!" She exclaimed, feeling ready to conquer anything. Normally, Shiro would be the one panicking, but the simple sight of Laura being so stressed made him go into a strong, leadership type of role.

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