The Castle Is Returned To Its Rightful Owners

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Chapter 19

"Woah, so that's why they call you Pidge?" Laura asked with a look of disbelief as Pidge finished talking about how she went from Katie to Pidge.

Pidge nodded before sighing. "But we can talk about it later. We have a mission to do." She stated as she stood up and put her helmet on.

Laura smirked at the girl who changed so much in the best way possible. "Let's go."


As they clung to the wall, looking down at the catwalk and seeing Haxus, Pidge turned on her arm screen? Laura was absolutely fascinated with the technology that this ship had.

Pidge smirked as she started to overload the main engine. Laura chuckled softly. "Look what happened to you. You went from a sweet little girl to a sinister mastermind. I love it." She joked, causing Pidge to smile happily.

As they laughed and joked, a scream was heard. They turned and saw Haxus being electrocuted by the controls. Pidge smirked and grabbed onto rover, flying to the catwalk.

Laura thought she'd be stuck there until a bright green cord wrapped around her and yanked her to the catwalk, making her hit the ground harshly.

"Sorry!" Pidge called with a nervous smile. But Laura merely brushed it off as she stood up. "Don't worry about it. I've had worse done to me.." she sighed.

Pidge didn't like the sound of that at all. She was about to ask when a growl was heard from none other than Haxus that son of a-

"You did this?! A child and a dirty traitor?" He spat at the two. Laura was about to spot back with a colorful response when Pidge answered with something surprising.

"I'm not a child and she isn't a traitor! We are Paladins of Voltron!" She rated loudly and definitely proudly. Laura was surprised yet also confused.

She wasn't a paladin. She was a simple engineer for he galra empire. So why would Pidge say that?

Laura decided to brush it off as she stood along side Pidge. And that was when the fight began.

Laura was glad she still had the weapon from the soldier from before. As Haxus started to corner Pidge, Laura used her weapon and shot Haxus right in the foot.

He stumbled back with a yell, giving Pidge a chance to use her bayard and shove him to the edge of the engine, right where he would fall.

He almost regained his balance until river swooped in and slammed into his face, thus causing him to fall but grabbing rover in the process.

"Rover!" Pidge cried out as she started to run over. Laura quickly followed as fast as her legs could take her.

And then, rover started to power down, both rover and Haxus falling down into the deep abyss of the engine.

"NOO!" Pidge cried as she tried to go over until Laura wrapped her arms around the girl from behind.

Pidge squeezed her eyes shut as she hugged Laura tightly.

"It's okay.. don't worry. It was for the best.." Laura sighed as she gently rubbed Pidge's back. Pidge sniffed but their moment was interrupted by none other than the son of a bitch himself, Sendak.

"Haxus! Report immediately!" He growled. Pidge stood up and ran over, yelling at him with confidence in her voice.

"Haxus is gone and you're next!" She stated with a hateful glare at the screen.

Sendak merely smirked as he spoke. "The castle is mine!" He announced. This caused Laura to stand up and go over to the screen.

"In your dreams, you purple hairball." She growled resentfully.

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