The Stress of a Test

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Okay. I have no idea if this is correct but I am going to give it my best shot. If the way I portray my plot for this fanfic confuses you, remember, I am not that good of a writer so don't expect much. Alright, enough lolly gagging, on with the chapter.


Matt banged his head against the table, groaning. "I'm done with this, I'm done with space, I'm going to drop out and just be stripper." His glasses lay to the side, textbooks and energy drinks were layed all over his table.

Shiro sighed, looking up from his desk. "Matthew, please. It's just one last essay and your homework is done." He tried to encourage him. His desk was perfectly clean, polished and organized.

Laura rolled her eyes as she sat at her desk, sipping her third green tea in that hour. "Matt, calm down. And Shiro is right, you only have one last essay. I still have three worksheets, two blue prints to finish, and a tempting window that looks perfect to jump out of." She groaned.

Shiro chuckled. "Laura, please, don't try to jump out of the window again. The last time that happened, you got stuck and I had to explain the entire thing to Ivers, he was not happy." Shiro cringed at the memory.

Laura rolled her eyes. She got up from her desk, stretching and bending down, touching her toes. "Whatever, Shirogane. Anywho, you guys ready for the simulation today? It's the first one of the semester, supposed to be pretty important." She reminded them, standing straight.

Matt nodded. "Yep, apparently it's 35% of our grade. Whoopdie doo." He cheered silently. "But don't worry. I know we'll ace it. We got a good engineer, an okay pilot, and a hella good looking inventor." Matt smirked, doing a stupid pose.

Laura shook her head at his words. "Hey, we are all very good at what we do. It'll be way too easy. I just hope Matt remembers to actually study all his notes instead of the girls on the other teams." She joked. 

Matt crossed his arms, huffing. "As if! It was just once and I had reason to! She was reading the newest issue of 'Ouran Highschool Host Club'!" He defended. Laura chuckled, starting to talk back, starting a small argument with Matt.

Meanwhile, Shiro was staring off into space, trying not to have a panic attack. He didn't want to go into that simulation. Doubts and worries started to fill his mind-

What if he fails?

Will everyone look down on him?

He could mess up their whole grade..

What would his parents say?

What would Laura think...?

Wait. He shook his head softly. Why did he think of Laura? Now that he considered it, he did think of her more often than usual. But, how could he not? She was smart, witty, beautiful, funny, kind...

"SHIRO!" A voice yelled in his ear. He jumped back in fright, his hair tipping over and falling. He opened his eyes to see the face of the girl he thought about so often, giggling. His face went bright red in embarrassment. "What is it?!" He exclaimed, hating that he was caught so off guard.

Matt laughed as well. "Having a good old day dream session, buddy?" Matt asked with a smirk as he watched his best friend scramble to get off the floor and put his chair back in place.

Laura smiled kindly as Shiro did so. "Our test? The simulation? They just called us over the loud speaker, we have to go head to the examination room."

Matt stretched, glancing at his notes for a second before deciding that that was all the studying he had to do. "Yeah, pal. Listen, I'm gonna go talk to Jaiden Ani and see if she'll lend me her manga, see ya!" Matt explained before strolling out of their lab, hoping that his ship would get together behind the closed door.

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