Late Night Talk

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Laura couldn't sleep. No matter what, as she tossed and turned in her bed inside of her cabin. At the moment, the four passengers aboard the ship were supposed to be asleep. However, that would be a bit difficult for the female on board.

After trying again and again, Laura couldn't take much more of her restless state. She threw off the covers and stood up in her Garrison brand hoodie, warm shorts, and knee high socks that described how she looked when she woke up, A.K.A #Flawless.

She tied her long brown hair in a high ponytail, looking in the mirror and cringing at the sight of her dark circles that easily overpowered her freckles. A soft sigh escaped past her lips as she left her room.

The sound of Laura's footsteps echoed through the empty halls as she walked, not saying a word. Her mind was cluttered with random thoughts and worries of her family back on earth.

As much as she hated to think of it, she couldn't get her father off her mind. The guilt that stayed behind as she walked away from him had been in her heart ever since she turned away from him. With time, she thought it would go away but instead, it has only grown.

With her eyes glued to the floor, Laura continued to wander through the halls, not paying attention to anything except her thoughts which she quickly got lost in. It was dangerous to get lost in her thoughts.

At one point she only thought of her cousins, Veronica, Luis, Marco..and Lance. She had been fairly close to her other cousins. She was forced to live with them as a small girl due to neither of her parents being there to raise her as they were busy either overseas or being dead.

As she was still grieving, she wasn't too excited to play with her cousins. Once she had grown older and slowly come to terms with her life, she was too shy to play with them. They had become accustomed to her not wanting to play and it stayed that way.

That is until a little boy came along. Lance. He had been so happy and bright, he didn't know what Laura went through so he could see her for her, not for her sad and depressed state. She had a clean slate with him and she took advantage of it.

They had grown close, so close that they seemed less like cousins and more like siblings. She missed him dearly. She just hoped he was doing well with school. That he wasn't getting into trouble, that her father wasn't still hurt, that her mother would soon look down at her with pride.

"Shouldn't you be asleep, Mcclain?" A voice spoke out, causing Laura to yelp before turning to look at them. It was Shiro. What a surprise. He stood in front of a large window that allowed them to look into the space they were floating around in.

"I'd say the same for you, 'Kashi. Why are you still awake?" She asked with a small smile while she walked over to the tall boy. She looked out the window, admiring the view they were gifted to see.

A soft chuckle passed Shiro's lips. "Well, Laury-Loo, my insomnia has been acting up lately and I can barely get any sleep at all. I've tried everything but nothing works so I just like to look out at the stars." He explained, still looking out the window.

"I get you. I'm just feeling homesick and overwhelmed by worry for my family. I just want everything to be okay but I'm not even there to know how things are." She spoke softly, frowning at her thoughts.

For a few moments, silence consumed the space between them. However, it wasn't exactly an awkward silence, it was comfortable and calm. It was only broken as they were able to see the moons of a planet, making Laura gasp softly from awe.

She stared out into space with pure amazement. Every moment on board for her felt like a dream that she never thought she'd be lucky enough to have. However, it wasn't a dream, it was reality.

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