Can't F*ck Up Now.

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So Sendak found out how Shiro escaped while Laura was in the same room as him. You can imagine how that went.

"It was because of you!" Sendak growled as he threw Laura across the room with his new robotic arm.

Laura grunted as she hit the wall, her body sliding onto the ground as a groan escaped past her lips.

"Because of you, Voltron has been formed. Tonight is our chance to take it down and if you mess anything up.." Sendak trailed off as a sadistic smile crept onto his face.

"What? You'll kill me?" Laura grumbled softly. She didn't care at this point. If she died, she'd be happy. She wouldn't have to endure any of this bullshit any longer.

Sendak shook his head as a chuckle left his mouth harshly. "If you dare try to help them, I will make sure to capture each and every one of the paladins and torture them right in front of you. One by one until they die so you know that the reason they are dead is because of you." He stated slowly and calmly yet his words were deadly and Laura knew they were true.

Sendak smirked as Laura started to tremble, her eyes tearing up at the mere thought of what he would do to those poor paladins. As far as she knew, the paladins consisted of Shiro as the leader and that was it.

If only she knew whom was in the team of Voltron. Besides the obvious aliens, there was the little girl who Laura encouraged to follow what she loved and helped her gather the courage to find out what was happening. Pidge.

The boy Laura used to tutor, the boy Laura was a mother to. Whom she helped Shiro get out of trouble when he got into fights. The little one she spent summers with when Shiro couldn't handle him on his own. Keith.

The boy that Laura didn't even know but had spent years besides her little cousin. The boy that looked up to Laura the same way that Lance looked up to Shiro. A pure, sweet, caring boy that admired her work and tried to live up to what she does. Hunk.

And of course, her baby cousin. The little boy that was right by her side to comfort her when he was only three years old at the time that her mother died. The boy that Laura was like a second mother to. The one who when all her family neglected, she made sure to make him feel like the most important boy on this earth. Lance.

If Laura knew who the rest of the paladins insisted of, she wouldn't be trembling with watery eyes. She'd be sobbing grossly, her body shaking violently. Her heart would stop her from doing what she would soon do.

But she didn't know. All she knew was Shiro from Voltron. Shiro the boy who helped protect her from bullies who made fun of her due to the little English she knew when she was at the garrison. But that wasn't enough to stop her.

Magnar and Thace trusted her with this mission and she sure as hell wouldn't fuck it up.


Laura watched the guards leave her small cell on board Sendak's ship. They had just dropped off her brand new uniform as she was working for Sendak for a while. How fun.

The door closed and Laura stared at the uniform. Tight with no armor whatsoever. Grey and black, her least favorite colors, were what the suit consisted of. And a helmet mainly so no one could recognize her.

She assumed mainly so Shiro wouldn't be able to notice her and maybe Sendak will get lucky enough so Shiro will attack and kill her, thinking she was going to hurt him. Perfect.

Laura decided she had nothing better to do than to just change into the damn uniform so that's exactly what she did. She took off the one she had now and took a moment to look at her body.

The galra were so kind as to give her her own undergarments that were tight in all the wrong places. She hated it. Certain parts of her body started to become noticeable.

She noticed her Cuban tan had barely left so that was something, at least. Her hair was malnourished and her skin was noticeably dry.

It made sense that her body was extremely different. She was used to bath bombs and facial scrubs with moisturizers and primers. She felt absolutely hideous. She wanted to shave, some essential oils for her hair, some damn moisturizers, some perfume.

Anything to make her feel feminine. Anything that made her feel like herself. She didn't feel like herself. She felt like some tool for the galra. She hated her life at this point.

She just wanted to go home.

No. She couldn't think of this. Laura had to stay strong or else she wouldn't be able to help her friends get back home. A job was to be done and she had to do it.

She quickly got into the uniform and went over the plan in her head, thinking of all the details and working over the parts that seemed iffy to her.

Suddenly, the door opened, interrupting her thoughts. A guard stood there, she knew it wasn't Magnar nor Thace, to Laura's dismay.

"Sendak needs you." The guard stated as he moved to the side so she could pass. Laura merely nodded and walked out of her cell. She looked both ways and saw no one was in the hallway except for her and the guard.

As quick as she could, she grabbed her old uniform and wrapped it around the guards neck. She pulled back and dragged him into her cell. She quicker him into the wall head first.

He fell to the ground, hopefully unconscious. She let out a sigh of relief as she grabbed his weapon. She made sure no one was in the hallway and took a minute to do a small prayer.

This is it. No more playing around. She had a job to do and she'd give it her all goddamn it.

I am so sorry that y'all got another filler chapter. I feel so bad about it. I'll make it up to you guys with a quicker and more fulfilling chapter. I'm sorry!

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