Yep, We Found Her.

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Chapter 18

The footsteps of Laura and Shiro echoed through the halls. No talking was done ever since they left the group.

The silence wasn't even comfortable. It was awkward and tense. Both of them decided to break the silence, sadly at the same time.

"How did you get back in space?!"

"What did they do to you in the galra prison?!"

The two of them stared at eachother with wide eyes, surprised at their unison.

"You first?" Laura offered as they continued walking. She looked down at his feet, nervous for what she might hear.

"Well, a lot had happened. I was saved by Keith and met Lance, Hunk, and Pidge on the way. We made our way to the castle and found out we're the paladins of Voltron. We all fly lions that can transform into this huge robot." He explained happily until Laura noticed his expression fell.

"But there's still one part missing. The center of Voltron is made up of two lions, the black and white lion. I'm piloting the black lion, and we know where the white lion is, it's right underneath the black lion, but the only one who can get here is the white Paladin.

"The thing is, we don't know who that is. It's not Allura and it certainly isn't Coran. Without the white lion, we can still form Voltron but it'll never be as strong as it'd be with the white lion there." He explained.

Laura couldn't help but wonder who on earth the white Paladin could be. Maybe it was Allura but she wasn't doing it right?

"What about you? What's been going on with you?" He asked, a bit nervous.

And he had a right to be. As Laura told him her story of all the pain and suffering she went through as he left. She stopped suddenly and slapped him in the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Shiro asked as he rubbed the place where she hit him, confused.

"I spent so much time and effort and went through all my suffering to get you back to earth and all you do is get your ass back here?!" She growled, upset and annoyed with the tall man.

"Laura, I didn't-" Shiro stopped suddenly as he looked down the main hall towards the entrance.

Laura glared at him before looking where he was looking. Her entire body tensed up. It was Sendak.

She watched Shiro run over and place Lance on a nearby table. Laura went over to him quickly. "I'll help you-" She was stopped by Shiro.

"Don't you even dare to come with me. It's beyond too dangerous. You're staying here with Lance and that's final." He stated firmly.

"But-!" She was once again stopped as Shiro grabbed her hand, looking into her eyes pleadingly.

"Laura, I'm not going to loose you. Stay here, stay safe. Please." He begged her. In return, she just gave a small nod.

"Just promise me you'll be okay. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again." She spoke softly.

Shiro nodded with a small smile before he quickly kissed her hand before Shiro ran over to Sendak as quick as he could.

Shiro planted his feet as he took on a fighting stance once he was in front of Sendak.

"Step aside, it is time for me to get the witches engineer back." Sendak announced.

"You're not getting in, and you sure as hell aren't getting Laura." Shiro growled in response.

"She belongs to me!" Sendak shouted before they engaged in battle. Meanwhile, Laura watched from afar.

The White Paladin (Shiro X Reader [OC])Where stories live. Discover now