It's My Fault.

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It was on the way to her lab from Haggar's lair that Laura started to once again question who the champion was.

He obviously had to be strong and aggressive if he had won against so many monsters. She decided to put the thought away as she entered her lab.

And there it was. The robotic arm that followed Haggar's measurements to the very smallest detail. It had all the features that were requested and was ready at a moments notice.

That moment was now.

Laura picked up the arm and placed it in a special case before closing the case and carrying it to the room where the champion would receive his new advancement.

As she started to set up the arm for the surgery, the doors opened to reveal two guards dragging in a masked prisoner.

"We've got the champion ready for the procedure." One of the guards informed her as they shoved the masked man onto the table and strapped him down before leaving.

The man struggled to speak as the mask muffled his words, but Laura recognized the voice quickly. "No fucking way- Shiro?!" She gasped as she took the mask off to reveal the one and only Takashi Shirogane.

Shiro smiled at her before letting out a small 'oof' as she tackled him in a hug. "Oh my god! I was so worried! I thought something bad happened to you and I couldn't help but think that-" She couldn't help but ramble.

A sweet chuckle escaped past Shiro's lips. "Laura, calm down. It's okay, I'm okay. You're okay, thank god." He sighed in relief before noticing her arm.

"Wait. What in the world? Laura, what happened? Who did this to you?" His words steadily became more of a growl from anger due to someone hurting his Laura.

Laura bowed her head shamefully. "It was Haggar. She does it every time I work on a machine for her. She's made me her engineer." She explained.

Shiro frowned at her words. "Laura, I'm so sorry. I wish I could do something, anything to help. I feel terrible." He sighed as he hung his head in shame.

Laura shook her head before holding his hand gently. "Shiro, don't. It's not your fault." She assured him.

Suddenly, Laura realized something. This was her fault. The arm was for Shiro. Shiro would be the patient for the procedure. He would suffer because of her.

"oh my god. Shiro, no.." She fell to her knees and could feel tears pool into her eyes. All of his pain that he would soon endure was due to Laura.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked quickly, worried for the girl whom he saw from the vertical table but couldn't console due to him being chained.

"This is my fault. I'm the one who built the arm. You're going to get hurt because of me and my stupid actions." She spoke in a broken voice.

Shiro took a moment to think of this. Because of Laura, he'd have a robot arm that would be achieved through a painful operation..

"Laura, stand up." He sighed, waiting for her to do what he told her to. Once she did, he looked into her eyes and spoke.

"I'm not mad. If anything, I'll be happier to do this since you were the one who made it. It'll be like having a piece of you to carry around with me no matter what. As long as you made it, I won't mind as much." He insisted as he looked down at the girl he loved dearly.

Laura wiped her tears with a small smile as she stood up, leaning against the lab table. "Shiro. I'm gonna get you out of here. You, Matt, and Sam. I'm going to do anything and everything possible to get you guys out. I swear on my life." She assured him firmly.

Shiro could feel his gaze soften. "Laura.. please. Don't risk your life for mine. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." He sighed before deciding to do it.

This was it.

He was going to tell her.

Tell Laura McClain how he loved her.

"Laura-" He was cut off as footsteps echoed down the hall. Laura gasped and grabbed the mask, placing it back over Shiro's face before putting the arm in place for the procedure.

She quickly left the room and waited outside the door to check how things went once the procedure was finished.

Laura leaned against the wall next to the door and slid to the ground, pulling her knees against her chest as she sighed.

Her mind drifted off for a moment, a feeling of peace reaching her after what felt like a lifetime of panic.

Sadly, that was interrupted by he screams of the one and only Takashi Shirogane. She jumped and gripped her legs, her nails digging into her skin as she bit back sobs of sadness.

She wanted to run in and help him but alas, it wasn't possible unless she wanted both of them to be killed.

'Don't worry, Takashi. I'm going to get you out of here. No matter what..' she thought to herself as she cried silently.

So this was a bit shorter than my usual thousand words. It's almost 900 but I wanted to get this out of the way to set up a big part of the story that's going to be up soon. I'm sorry for updating late but I procrastinate way too much. Oof. See you next chapter. Bye bi!

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