
The next morning when I wake up Ellie is already at school. She said something last night about Louis picking her up. I don't really remember I was half asleep.
I have to skip today to go to Harry's mom's apartment. I don't mind. I can make up everything. I pick up my phone from my side table. I have two messages from Harry.

H: Are you awake?

H: I want you to come over here early.

I don't answer his question.


I smile and wait for him to respond.

H: well I guess you're awake then ;) thank you babe xx

My heart stops at the word "babe". I take a deep breath.

L: I'll be over soon :)

I put my phone down and push my blankets off. The red numbers on my clock read 8:17am. I roll my head, stretching a little and stand up.
I am meeting his mother today, well for the second time, so I want to look nice. I walk over to my closet.
I look through for awhile before deciding on a simple blue dress. I put it on. It fits comfortably. I find some flats that look good with the dress and slide them on.
I walk over to my mirror and grab some makeup. I don't put on much, just the usual. I don't want to make it look like I tried to hard.
I turn the flat iron on. My hair doesn't look to awful so I just have to run the iron over it a few times.
Once I'm satisfied with my appearance, I grab my phone and walk downstairs.
Harry's gift is still on the table in the living room. I grab the little, grey box and open it up. It's a simple necklace but I feel like he'll love it. I put the box in my purse and grab my keys from the counter.
It's early but Harry said he wanted me to come, so I'm going. I look at the coffee mug on the counter. I vaguely remember my dad coming home last night. He's already gone to work by now. I take a deep breath and turn around, walking towards the door.
I get into my car, turning the heat on. It's chilly outside but I'll be inside all today so I'm not worried about it.
I text Harry to let him know I'm on my way. He doesn't respond automatically, so I turn my car on and pull out of the driveway.
I don't really know where I'm going so I have to drive to Harry's apartment to remember the directions. I only know how to get to his mom's from here.
I eventually figure it out. I recognize the buildings and pull into the parking lot. Now, I have no idea what room is her's so I have to call Harry.
He picks up on the fourth ring. "Hey. Are you having trouble finding the place?", he asks when he picks up. "No I'm here. I actually just need to know what building and room is her's", I laugh. He laughs into the phone. There is a slight pause before he says, "I'll come down."
I quickly flip the visor down to look into the little mirror. "Alright see you in a second", I say, hanging up the phone. I fix my hair, which is a little wind blown from the heat blowing on my face. I close the visor when I see him come down the stairs of the nearest building.
I grab my purse and open up the car door, the cool air chilling me. I get out, fixing my dress.
He smiles when he sees me. I smile back as he approaches. "Happy birthday", I say wrapping my arms around him. He lifts me from the ground and twirls me a little. I giggle, as he places me back down.
He looks at my dress and smirks. I blush slightly, looking at my feet. "You look amazing", he says grabbing my hand. I look back up at him. "Thanks", I squeak.
We walk up the stairs towards his mother's home. "Have you eaten anything?", he questions. "No", I respond honestly. "Well my mum made some breakfast if you want something", he says, squeezing my hand. "Okay", I smile.
We walk up one more flight of stairs, before he stops at a door. "This is it", he smiles. "I told my mum not to make things awkward", he says, talking about my dad. I nod. He opens the door.
The apartment is warm and inviting. It's really nice. The layout is beautiful. The walls are a crisp white, while the furniture is black. It looks really nice.
Harry squeezes my hand as we walk in. I smell bacon and other greasy breakfast foods. My stomach growls.
When we turn I see his mother. She's in the kitchen, making something on the stove top. She turns around, putting her utensils down. She smiles warmly when she sees me.
"Oh, honey it's so good to see you again", she says walking towards us. She wraps her arms around me, surprising me. I let go of Harry's hand and hug her back.
She releases me and steps back slightly. "You picked a good one Harry", she smiles. I blush and look at my feet. "I know", he laughs.
"You want something to eat?", she questions. "Yes please", I say because I'm starving.
I sit at the table. Harry sits next to me and grabs my hand again. "Harry do you want something?", Anne asks. I remember now, her name is Anne. "Sure mum", he responds.
He turns to me. He tucks my hair behind my ear and moves his lips to my ear. "Your bum looks great in that dress", he whispers. My heart beat accelerates. He chuckles and pulls away. I swallow hard, trying not to blush. When I don't respond, he laughs.
Anne walks up interrupting whatever just happened. She puts a plate down in front of me. "If you don't like everything, don't worry about", she smiles. "Thank you so much", I say, smiling. She walks off to get Harry's plate.
There is bacon, eggs, a biscuit, and hash browns. It looks really good. I pick up my fork. Harry continues to hold my hand.
Anne places Harry's plate down. "Thanks", he murmurs. He's not that close with her. I can tell.
We eat in silence, hand in hand. I decide on eating the eggs even though I'm not a big fan of them. I would feel bad if I didn't eat everything, even though she said it was okay.
When I'm finished I pull my hand out of Harry's and walk to the kitchen, with my plate. "Thank you it was really good", I say politely. Anne smiles and offers to take my plate.I'd rather wash it myself but she takes it before I get a chance to say anything.
I hear a clatter and two arms wrap around me, from behind, surprising me. Anne smiles warmly. I turn around to see Harry's face inches from mine.
This is really awkward, considering his mom is right there. I pull away slightly and he frowns. He shrugs his shoulders and slides his plate across the counter to his mom. I find it rude but I don't say anything. Something obviously happened between the two of them.
He grabs my hand and leads me into the living room. We sit on the soft, black couch. "Are you alright?", he asks. "I'm fine", I say honestly. "Are you?", I ask. He makes a face. "Don't worry about that Leah", he says, gesturing to his mom and then to himself. "It's fine", he adds. I nod.
"She's sweet", I tell him. "Sometimes she can be", he smirks.
One of the bedroom doors then open, making me jump slightly. Harry turns his head and smiles. A young woman steps out of the door. I automatically know who it is. They look exactly alike. It's his sister.
He gestures for her to come to us. She smiles when she sees me and walks towards us.
She's beautiful. She's has blonde hair that comes down right past her shoulders. She's tall and skinny, just like Harry.
"Hello", she smiles, sticking out her hand. I shake her hand. "Leah this is Gemma. Gemma this is Leah", Harry says. Gemma smiles. "Nice to meet you", I say. "Oh it's so good to meet you as well. My little brother has told me so much about you", she says cheekily. I blush slightly and she giggles.
If Harry is younger than her it can't be by much. Maybe two or three years at the most.
Anne walk around the corner. "Oh I see you two have met", she smiles. "Hey mum", Gemma waves to her mom.
Gemma turns back to me. "So how are you?", she questions. "I'm good. I'll be finishing up high school soon. Stuff like that", I laugh.
"Oh you're still in high school? I just graduated college", she smiles. "Yes. I just turned 18", I say shyly. "23", she winks. I smile. So she's like around three years older than Harry.
We talk for awhile. I think I loose track of time because next thing I know Anne is setting up the birthday cake on the table. Harry looks up. "Mum I told you I didn't want a cake", he whines. "It's your birthday Harry you have to have one", she replies. He sighs and sits back into the couch. Gemma laughs. "You should have expected it", she giggles.
"C'mere lets all sing now", Anne laughs. Gemma and I stand while Harry continues to stay seated. "Harry c'mon", I say, pulling him up. He rolls his eyes.
We walk over to the table. Anne automatically starts singing "Happy Birthday". We all join all as Harry stands there awkwardly. I almost laugh at him.
He refuses to blow out the candles so Gemma does it for him. I shake my head at him and he laughs.
Anne cuts the cake. She hands a piece to me and I gladly take it. It looks really good. Chocolate cake is my favorite. Harry takes a piece as well.
We eat our cake. It is really good. Anne claps her hands together. "Alright how about you open your gift Harry", she says giddily. Anne walks out of the room to get his gift. "Gifts", I say taking out the little grey box.
Harry's eyebrows furrow together. "Leah I didn't want you to get me anything", he says. "I know but I wanted to", I say.
Anne re-enters the room with a box in her hand as well. Oh god what if we got him the same thing. I doubt it.
Gemma hands Harry a VISA gift card. "I don't know what you wanted so you can use that to buy yourself something", she shrugs. I only saw it briefly but with the look on Harry's face I know I saw correctly. She gave him $400. "Um thank you. Really", he says to his sister. He hugs her. She smiles.
Anne then hands her red box to Harry. He opens it. It's a watch. A really nice watch to say the least. "Wow. Thanks mum", he says slowly. He doesn't hug her like he hugged Gemma. Her face drops. "Mmhmm", she forces a smile.
Harry places the watch on the table beside him m, along with Gemma's gift card. He looks down at me and I smile shyly, giving him the small box.
I become extremely nervous when he opens it. His facial expression changes from confusion, to surprise, then to content. He smiles and I feel a weight lift off of my shoulders. He takes the chain out of the box and holds it up to him.
"I don't know I just had a feeling you would like it. I hope I wasn't wrong", I say shyly. She looks up at me and puts the chain around his neck. It looks really good on him. "You weren't wrong Leah.. I love it", he smiles. He walks up to me and pecks me on the lips. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes. "Leah..thank you. I really love it", he whispers. Thank god.
When he releases me I see Gemma and Anne smiling. Harry looks down at the cross. "You'll always be by my heart now", he whispers, almost making my legs give out. "Well actually Jesus will be by your heart", Gemma laughs. I can't help but laugh at her sarcastic joke. Anne and Harry laugh as well.
"Nice one", he says to Gemma, making her giggle. He wraps his arm around my waist pulling me in close.
Anne and Gemma go into the kitchen to clean up the cake. Harry kisses my temple. "I really do love it", he whispers to me. He picks up the cross and kisses it. "I'm glad", I reply.
"But you know..I didn't get what I actually wanted yet", he whispers into my ear, sending a chill down my spine. His hot breath on my neck makes my legs weak and my heartbeat accelerate. He smirks and squeezes my hip.


Hope you guys enjoyed! I'm starting school again this week so I'm going to update when I can. I hope I can get the next update in by next Sunday. Don't forget to vote and comment! xx

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