Part 86 - He's Awake

Start from the beginning

Aniyah shot the guy dead then walked up to Drake, pressed the gun to his forehead and said "Mess with Kaiden again, I will kill you."

Drake said "What happend to you.."

Aniyah said "This is who I am."

Drake said "No! It's not! Aniyah loves Animals.. people, life.. now you love killing, shooting, act like some fighter.."

Aniyah said "I stopped loving my life when my family died... and Kaiden, and his men are the only reason why I actually care for it."

Aniyah grabbed Justin's arm and they walked out and got into the car fast.

Aniyah parked out front of Kaiden's mansion and said "Go ahead and grab some drinks and stuff, I'm gonna pack a bag."

Justin nodded his head and they both got out and walked inside, Aniyah walked upstairs and she walked into her room and she packed a bag, and she grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste and she walked out into the hall, she heard coughing and she looked infront of her and she opened the bedroom door.

Aniyah's eyes widened and she dropped her bag and things, she said "Blake?"

Blake looked around and said "Where am I!? Who are you!"

Aniyah put her hands up and said "I'm Aniyah."

Blake said "Whose blood is that!! Did you kidnap me!?"

Aniyah said "No.. Blake.. you we're in a coma.. JUSTIN!!!"

Justin came sprinting upstairs into Blakes room, Justin's eyes widened and Blake said "Justin?!"

Justin ran to Blakes side and hugged him tightly, Justin said "Can you walk? We need to get to the hospital.."

Blake said "I feel fine."

Justin said "It's Kaiden.. Blake.. come on, plus a doctor should look at you."

Blake got out of the bed and he tried to walk but his legs we're very weak, Aniyah and Justin helped him stand and Justin grabbed Aniyah's things and they helped blake walk downstairs and into the car.

Blake got into the back and he saw blood on the seat and he looked at Aniyah in the drivers sat, Justin got into the passenger seat and Aniyah started driving fast, Justin said "I asked camila and she said he's in room 529"

Aniyah nodded her head and after a few minutes she parked at the hospital and they all got out and Aniyah and Justin helped Blake up and they helped him walk inside and Justin walked up to the front desk and said "Hi, This is Blake Miller, and he just woke up from his coma. Can you get doctor Gilbers please?"

The front desk lady said "Yes sir." And she called him down.

Within minutes a doctor came out and said "Blake! Good to see you awake and up."

He grabbed a wheel chair and Blake said "I can walk."

The doctor nodded his head and Blake went to walk and he lost his balance and Aniyah grabbed him and he held onto her and Aniyah said "Take the wheel chair."

Blake nodded his head and sat down and Aniyah said "I'm gonna go see Kaiden." and she walked away fast.

Justin said "I'll stick with you Blake."

Blake nodded his head and the doctor wheeled him away. They got into a room and they helped Blake sit down on the bed and the doctor said "Okay Blake, can you touch each finger to your thumb please"

Blake did it and the doctor said "Wiggle your toes please."

Blake did it and the doctor said "Bent your arms in, and out three times"

Blake did it and the doctor said "Okay, can you stand up, without any help?"

Blake stood up and he lost his balance for a split second then he got it, the doctor said "Walk to your friend-" Justin said "Justin." The doctor said "Your friend Justin please"

Blake walked to Justin slowly and then the doctor said "Can you jump?"

Blake jumped and the doctor said "Okay. Well, your legs are just tired, let's get you something to eat, and then we'll have you walk around."

Blake said "Where's my brother."

Justin said "Can he see him?"

The doctor said "Yes. I will bring you something to eat in his room."

Blake and Justin left and Justin said "Did you hear.. anything Kaiden said?"

Blake said "I heard everything."

Justin nodded his head and Blake and Justin started walking to Kaiden's room.

End of Part Eighty-Six

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