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To all my follower, or maybe only DISCRIMINATED readers, I'm truely sorry.

The time I stopped writing was the time I need for me to able to continue, I'm just glad nobody got mad or it was because nobody cares XD.

I don't know but all i wanna say is that I'm sorry for die for awhile and as an apology surprised I found the perfect character as Deena.

She's so beautiful, her name is Kübra and she's Turkish and I thought of her as Deena and I loved it. Buts it is always OK if you have another Deena in your mind.



Water, I've always loved water, I mean how could I be such ungreatful human being with the this beautiful creation Allah made for us to stay hydrated, to fulfill our needs, and so much more than just that, as long as we don't waste it of course.

But I was never a fan of swimming, never have I thought I'd be in the water, sinking and drawning without pleading for help because I cant talk under water but my body language is enough to ask for help as it struggled to go up but I couldn't.

My father isn't here, or anyone I know who cares about my life who will sacrifice to save me. I guess my life ends here? But I'm not ready.

I could help the feeling of water overtaking my body and going through my nose holes to stop me from breathing air and choke myself to death. My arms moved up and down as if i was a baby bird learning how fly expect that I'm trying to save myself, my legs went random directions, as if pushing the water away from me, in a battle of my own self it seemed like.

My hijab have gave up on me the second I was pushed in so my hair was flying with my movement.

Just as the water made it's way to my lungs, that's when I suddenly gave up on everything and let my body to calm and just let the water take me with it, and I see blurrier and blurrier with every second from then, I finally closed my eyes.

But then, I was scooped from the water and was pulled out of it and into the dry surface where I gasped loud letting the air move through me again and I start coughing hard.

I coughed and choked with closed eyes, letting all the water I drank out with the vomit and right after that I open my eyes to meet pair of eyes looking at me with worry in them.

He pushed the hair away from my face nervously as he panicked looking at me in terror, for a reason I could hear what was he saying.

I knew the reason why I couldn't when I felt my eyes heavy again, and I close it and I hoped I didn't close my soul with it.


Stepping into my house was what I wanted ever since I left it for to meet Don and Tyron awhile ago. I was tired and all I wanted was to sleep, but I seem to regret that as soon as I meet my parents in my room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused of them being in here. I don't remember them being here at all. "We need to talk." Was what my father said, so I went and sat on my bed after taking off my jacket but still shivered from the cold weather of thus month.

"We know you just graduated and have a lot in mind or maybe you want your tim-"

"Mom, get to the point." I basically cut her before she continues her sentence because I didn't want to talk at all.

"We are sending you to the military." And there was their point. My mom look at my dad in disappointment, as if telling him by her eyes that he shouldn't have said it like that. "Why?" I asked. I wasn't scared, but I was confused why would they send me away?

"Because we think it's the best for you and your situation," dad replys. "What situation do you mean?" I asked again. "You just finished high school, we know that and we're not proud of your grades at all, nor we think your suitable for collage or-"

"How can you say that?" I cut him off again. I didn't think I'd been be judge like that, them not being proud of my grades doesn't mean I don't get a chance with collage.

"We decided to send you to military because we think it's best for you sweetie." And there goes mom trying to make it sound like she's sending me to my grandma's house. "If anyone then I think I know what's best for me, and if your not proud of my grades then it's the fúcking least thing I'm going to think off." I replied angrily.

"No one but you knows how did you get these grades as your final, it's obviously from lack of study but lots and lots of playing around, of course." Dad replied. I was more like my father, that's what people said, he can sometimes be ruthless with zero emotions but I know I'm not like that.

"I know what are you trying to say, I know I've played a lot and I regret them but you guys have no rights to fúcking decide what I want, simply because it's my fúcking life and not Mr. And Mrs. Wilson's." I replied angrily raising my voice. "We do own your fúcking life! If you don't remember your our only son and we knows whats better for you because we are your parents."

"Then for the sake of God act like it for once! I don't remember the last time you came checking up on me when I was in the hospital if you we're my dad, I don't even remember you being in my day for like 5 minutes but you leave right after a second passes." I was giving up on a lot of things lately, and my parents could be one because they were never there for me.

"You know what... I don't care, if you don't want me to continue my studies other people would like to see me graduate and I'm not going to that shít of a prison you call military." And I stood up and left the room, leaving them in there.

"Let you continue your studies to turn us down again? Not happening." Was the last thing I heard dad say before I storm off.

I didn't care, especially when it was his advice or opinion. I know he's my father and I'm his only soon but I'd give him my middle finger, that's what I'd do.


I hope you forgive me fory silence 💕

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