Episode 22: A Secret Being Kept

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Jackson POV
For the past 6-7 days Y/n and Mark have been acting.... different? Mark for one is literally always flirting with Y/n and Y/n hasn't said one thing. She always gets pissed when people flirt with her. However now she wouldn't say jack shit now.

Sometimes I even try to flirt with her and Jackson gets super over protective over her and she becomes super awkward and asks me not to flirt. And everyone just seems to brush it off.

They also go on more dates and just spend more time together in general. It's like they're a......couple.

Jennie POV
Y/n and Mark have told us that they are officially a couple. We were happy for them but then they said not to tell Jackson. I was a little hesitant of them not telling him but soon agreed. After all it's not my place to tell.


"Guys me and Mark are now a real couple!" Y/n said happily.

"Congrats Babe we are so happy for you!" Lisa squealed.

"Hey! I'm here only 'babe'!" Mark said possessively while pulling Y/n closer to him. We all laughed and so did they.

"Hey where's Jackson?" Ally asked.

"We don't want Jackson to know yet...." Said Y/n.

"Why not? He's our friend to. He deserves to know." I told them.

"I know it's just he can't know yet.." explained Mark.

"Why not?" Questioned Lisa.

"We want to find someone for him before he knows. We don't want to hurt him. He needs to be happy. So we want to wait..." Mark explain more.

Flashback ends

Mark POV

It's been hard keeping it from Jackson. He's very observant despite how much of an idiot he can be. So if he'd figured it out I wouldn't be surprised.

I feel bad for having to lie to him. But it's also for his own good. We don't want him to be hurt. We want him happy and if he found out it break him, at least right now it would.

Happy late BIRTHDAY MY KOOKIE. Your finally 21! 😭😭He's growing up waaaaayyyy to fast. But he is still a baby. No one can tell me other wise!

Also sorry not been updating a lot but I will start to TRY and update daily. Remember I said TRY!!

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