➳ love

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                              nightfall, in livs driveway.

[the friends pull into livs driveway, hopping out and letting out a long breath of air, one that they hadn't necessarily been holding.]

liv: [grins, huggin luke] we did it.

luke: [hugs her back, just as tight] we did it.

liv: i can't believe we've just done all that.

luke: you better believe it. [smiles]

liv: you know something?

luke: what?

liv: i couldn't of done it without you. i would still be trapped in this town, chipping away into nothingness until there was nothing left. until all there was left was a bunch of city lights.

luke: [smiles] it was all you, liv. you're stronger than you think you are, and if you weren't you, then i certainly don't know who i would be. and perhaps, perhaps i needed this just as much as you. i let go, and i stopped living in the past for once and just focused on now. maybe we've already gotten rid of half of those city lights.

liv: [looks up at the sky, smiling]

luke: you know something else?

liv: yeah?

luke: maybe i fell in love with you.

liv: maybe i fell in love with you too.

➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳  

it's finished, everyone. how i managaed to do it,i'll never know.

thank you to everyone who took the time to read it, or comment, or vote, and you are my support base. you're the ones who helped me keep writing. i wasn't looking for a hit story, i was simply looking for something to write that was light and enjoyable.

maybe you weren't supposed to really get to know the characters deeply, maybe that's the joy of it. not everyone does things for a clear reason, and believe me, i know first hand. sometimes you have to dissapear for a while in order to find yourself, and maybe, just maybe it's the other way round.

i just want to say that there is at least one person who cares about you as an individual who is willing to do anything with you. theres that one person who's willing to bring ice-cream at two in the morning and there's that one person who knows all ten of your different smiles. just wanted to throw that out there.

i would love to know what you readers thought of the whole book, and i hope you enjoyed the tale of liv and liv. xx

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