➳ eating

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                              later that day, on the road

[leaving the city, the travellers head down yet another rather empty road, the occasional car passing by as they cruise along, trying to spot as many animals as they can.]

liv: i spot a kangaroo! [peers out the window]

luke: [looks out from the passenger seat, grimicing] err, yeah...

liv: [eyebrows crush together] is it... [grimices] oh, nevermind.

luke: try looking for the live ones next time, aye?

liv: probably a good idea.

luke: i remember this guy telling me that if your car hits a wombat, it can it flip or something.

liv: and your telling me this, because... [trails off]

luke: trivia?

liv: i'm surprised you didn't hit one.

luke: [mocks hurt] why must you tease me so?

liv: [rolls eyes, concentrating on driving]

luke: you know what i was thinking?

liv: do tell.

luke: we're more than half way through the trip!

liv: [smiles] it's been fun so far.

luke: yeah, i learnt a few things too.

liv: [exclaims] luke? being educated? i think that's highly unlikely.

luke: shut up, doofus.

liv: maybe i will after you get me that cookie.

luke: how close are we anyway? and why am i not driving? i demand an explanation.

liv: first of all, we'll reach adelaide tonight. we're only just nearing the border. second of all, you're not driving because it's my car, ergo, my rules. and i want to drive. lastly, i don't explain anything.

luke: ever the diplomat, my dear friend. [winks]

liv: [smiles at luke from the corner of her eye]

luke: [eyes linger on her face a while before going to reach his phone] there's no flippin' cell reception.

liv: what did you think we'd get in the middle of nowhere?

luke: [states] the radios playing, so we should have reception.

liv: it's a cd.

luke: oh.


luke: are we there yet?

liv: [looks oddly at luke] where?

luke: the border.

liv: last sign said thirty kilometres, so maybe thirty-five minutes?

luke: can we eat something when we get there?

liv: [chuckles] the way to your heart is through your stomache, dude.

luke: damn right it is.

liv: [winds down her window, letting the wind cool down the hot car, blowing her hair around in the process]

luke: [looks away, clearing his throat] are we there yet?

liv: don't start.

road tripDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora