➳ waking

194 12 1

                             getting ready in the morning

[the sky is lit up in pinks and purple, setting a soft light over the camping grounds. luke is trying to get liv to wake up so they can continue driving through WA. however, this isn't particularly the case this morning.]

luke: [shakes liv gently] oi, wake up.

liv: [grumbles and turns over, letting her blond hair lay messily behind her]

luke: [averts eyes] one way or another, i'm gonna make you get up.

liv: [groggily] i thought you were going to start singing one diection.

luke: hell no.

liv: [sits up] oh come on, i see you humming along to it on the radio.

luke: they're songs are catchy. not my fault. and it's a godforsaken hour to be singing such songs.

liv: [scoffs, skaking her head and reaching over to the back seat to find a pair of clothes in her suitcase] i'll be back, i'm gonna go get changed.

luke: i suppose i'll go find breakfast.

liv: [calls behind her] just one breakfast. we don't need sixy different ones all together!

[they both go in seperate directions, luke to get the breakfast, and liv to change into more appropraite driving attire than pyjamas. liv comes back to see luke with two plastic bags in his hands, leaning against the drivers side of the car, waiting for her to get back]

liv: what'd ya get?

luke: food.

liv: [rolls eyes, going around to the passenger side] i had no idea.

luke: [hops into the car] sarcasm won't get you anywhere in this world, you know.

liv: just gimme the food.

luke: [opens the bags, taking out two breakfast muffins]

liv: [raises an eyebrow] who needed two seperate bags for two breakfast muffins?

luke: the lady did it, not me.

liv: oh, i see, blame it all on the lady. [takes a bite out of her breakfast]

luke: [starts the engine, biting a huge portion of his breakfast as well] that's the plan.

liv: [chuckles] how about a driving plan?

luke: i dunno, make it as close to perth as possible, then have a break and start again tomorrow. we should make it to peth by then, according to my calculations.

liv: sounds good. love how you tried to make yourself smarter at the end. [smirks]

luke: [huffs] you're just jealous i'm smarter than you.

liv: i beg to differ.

luke: i'm better at maths, so, in conclusion, i am smarter.

liv: i'm better at english.

luke: is that why you're fluent in sarcasm?

liv: probably.

luke: [turns onto the highway, singing] on the road again, on the road again.

liv: don't sing, please. it damages my ears.

luke: i can never make you happy, can i?

liv: [smiles] you do.

luke: [scoffs, joking around] oh, i'd like to know when.

liv: [looks out the window] more than you think.

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