➳ campers

175 11 0

                              at the caravan park

[pulling into a nearly empty caravan park, they two drive around the empty lot, trying to find an adequete place to park for the night. trees surround the premises, making a priave location for anyone to spend the night sleeping in the back of a rather uncomfortable jeep.]

liv: seven hours of driving and i have to say, well done.

luke: am i sensing approval coming from you, liv?

liv: oh shut up. help me set up the back will you?

luke: [bows dramatically] whatever you say.

liv: [grabs the pillows from the back, bringing them around] then come help, peasant.

luke: [rolls eyes, going to grab the blankets]

liv: thank you.

luke: you are oh-so-welcome.


liv: don't just chuck the blankets, idiot.

luke: if you know how to do it, then why don't you just show me? [smirks]

liv: [grabs blankes off luke] you're hopeless.

luke: [smiles] would you have me any other way?

liv: [chuckles and turns back to making the make-shift beds]

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