➳ miles

249 13 0

                              the road towards the beach

luke: [whines] are we there yet?

liv: what are you, five?

luke: [grumbles] you couldn't just let me drive.

liv:you drive? [scoffs] no thank you.

luke: i drove in the beginning. [smirks]

liv: i'm aware of that. but i was like, half asleep, so really it wasn't safe for me to drive. you, however, get up at nearly five every morning, so you can see my reasoning.

luke: so what you're telling me is that i can only drive when you're unable?

liv: [sarcasticly] bingo!

luke: so if you were to, 'accidently' hurt your ankle, then--

[luke lets out a yelp as liv whacks him upside the head, sending him a glare before she directs her attention back onto the road, leaving luke rubbing his head.]

liv: [smirks] well there won't be any 'accidents' so just sit there for half an hour until we get there.

luke: what about breakfast, hmm?

liv: it's half an hour, luke, half an hour.


liv: luke..?


liv: luke, put your head back inside the car!

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