➳ cookies

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                             reaching the inner-city of adelaide

[shining lights decorate the streets of the city, as people walk past the many restaurant's on offer, with tables and chairs set up infront, and many cars drive past, the noise increasing from what it was only half an hour ago]

liv: i don't even know what day it is.

luke: [shrugs] who cares, i haven't been keeping check either

liv: i want that cookie.

luke: it's.. [checks time on phone] ten o'clock at night, and you want a cookie now.

liv: yes.

luke: well, you're driving, so find a place that sells cookies then.

liv: you know, we won't have to--

luke: [cuts off] i'm not admitting anything.

liv: [sighs] ever the stubborn one.

luke: [scoffs] you think i'm stubborn! girl, i could tell you a few stories about the times your stubborn-ness has shown through, believe me.

liv: [waves hand dissmisively] yeah, yeah. [pulls into a corner store] go find a cookie.

luke: [holds hands up in defence] ok miss bossy.

liv: just go!

luke: [jumps out of the car] i'm going! don't hit me!

[luke jogs towards the store, disappearing for a few moments and coming back out with a small white paper bag.]

liv: [grabs the bag] yum.

luke: you're welcome.

liv: oh, right. thanks.

luke: the appreciation i get. [scoffs] i go from state to state, just to get you a cookie.

liv: [takes a bite of her cookie, grinning] you love me.

luke: [looks down] mhmm.

liv: [raises an eyebrow, but stays quiet and finishes her cookie] damn that was good.

luke: should we find a hotel or something to stay the night?

liv: nah.

luke: [protests] but this oppurtunity doesn't come often.

liv: get over it, you big softie. [smirks] i was thinking we just drive a little further and stop when we're near the highway again.

luke: you're weird.

liv: [takes a bow, putting her seatbelt back on] thank you.

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