➳ hours

218 13 3

                              nearing the border

[the two started early that morning, hitting the road and remembering to fill up with fuel, before the lengthy journey towards the state line.]

liv: all the trees are the same out here.

luke: no they're not.

liv: [points to two trees near eachother] tell me they don't look the same. might as well be twins along with the rest of the trees in this godforsaken world.

luke: everything to you is godforsaken.

liv: you're godforsaken.

luke: who's the one who calls me at godforsaken times in the morning?

liv: see? this world, equals, godforsaken. [waves arm around in explanation]

luke: would you rather live on mars or something?

liv: hell no. i don't want to live somewhere that's alien infested. besides, there's no reception there. and earth isn't that bad. it's just the people in it.

luke: what is that, your motto?

liv: [rolls eyes] no. my life motto would be something along the lines of 'i'm fabulous. get over it'

luke: [places hand over heart dramatically] heartfelt, truly.

liv: i thought so. and drive a little faster, could you?

luke: it couldn't possibly be liv foster telling me to speed?why, it's proposterous!

liv: oh shut up, i feel lighter. refreshed, kind of.

luke: is that because you finally got to have a shower?

liv: [grins] that would be the refreshed part. lighter, because i have nothing on my mind.

luke: [smirks] but surely, i'm on your mind?

liv: [looks out the window, wondering why what luke said is actually true] you wish.

luke: i'll tell you everything that i'm thinking right now.

liv: [sarcastically] oh yay.

luke: well, i'm wondering when that cat of yours is going to pee, and also when it's planning its attack on me. i'm thinking how long it's going to take to get to the border, and where the closest place to get food is. i think i'm falling- [pauses] umm, i'm trying to calculate how far we can drive without filling up with petrol. and right now, this very moment, i'm trying to think of a game we can play. [finishing, he turns to liv, watching as she laughs silently]

liv: when you say it like that, it sounds like you've got a lot on your mind. but i can help you with your thoughts, if you like. [grins]

luke: aren't you nice.

liv: [laughs] yep. anyway, gigi should pee soon, actually pull over, won't you? she will never attack you, so stop worrying for heavens sake. we should reach the border in about an hour and a half, and if you want to playa game, then i think i spy is the way to go.

[luke pulls over, shooting a wary glance at gigi, as liv picks her up and takes her out of the car, waiting for her to do her buisiness and coming back inside the car a couple of minutes later, letting gigi settle on her lap]

liv: there we go.

luke: i should really make a rule about pets in the front while i'm driving.

liv: [huffs] you need to get over your cat phobia.

luke: i don't have a cat phobia. i just don't like your cat.

liv: [mouths whatever at him]

luke: liv, whatever is so last century.

liv: you're last century.

luke: thanks, pal.

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