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                              liv's driveway

[luke and liv are standing in liv's driveway, the sun nearly peeping out of the horison, as they pack her car with their suitcases and attempt to put her cat, gigi, into the car]

 liv: luke, have you got everything? i'm not turning the car around nine-hundred kilometres laters because you forgot your boxers.

luke: yeah, i've got everything, just like the other seven times you've asked me.

liv: you do have a tendency to forget things, luke.

luke: are you kidding? i have a great memory. exceptional, i like to say.

liv:  [raises eyebrow, unbelievingly] don't tell me you don't remember going to the vet and forgetting the take the cat with you. come on.

luke: that only happened twice!

liv: exactly.

luke: why are we bringing the cat, anyway? all it does it pee, poo, and try to claw my eyes out.

liv: it's friendly!

[from there, they can see the small black cat meowing at them
 from inside the car.]

liv: see? friendly.

luke: you wait and see. have you got everything?

liv: yep. i checked multiple times.

luke: it's only fair that i get to check it as well.

liv: . . .

luke: [looks up at liv and trys to hide his smile] where's. . . where's the water bottles?

liv: you're kidding, right? i definately packed them, my bag has like, five things in it!

luke: go get the water.

[liv grumbles under her breath, whisps of blonde hair flying behind her as she
 dissapears to get the water.]

liv: i think we're set.

luke: i'm driving.

liv: like hell i'm going to let you drive my baby. you'll speed, crash, kill a koala, and then it's gonna be on my head.

luke: [exclaims] don't leave me with the cat!

liv: [rolls eyes] ugh, just drive you big baby.

luke: i'll have you know i wasn't a sports star at school for nothing.

[gigi meows from the backseat]

liv: come on, even the cat wants you to start driving.

luke: you guys are picking on me.

liv: i've been picking on you since we were four. now drive.

luke: [puts keys in ignition] whatever.

liv: you're impossible.

luke: i'm aware of that.

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