➳ sharing

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                              late night conversations

[the two are sharing a bed, however, sleep isn't coming as quickly as planned. thoughts surround their minds, occansionlly the rustling of sheets or pillows disturbing the silence]

luke: liv..?

[there is a lengthy pause]

liv: yeah?

luke: are you awake?

liv: [rolls eyes, even though luke can't see] what do you think?

luke: [turns over to livs side of the bed, chuckling] can't sleep?

liv: thinking too much.

luke: hmm. what about?

liv: [turns around to face luke, barely making out his silhouette in the dark] i don't know. life.

luke: [suddenly] why are we on this trip?

liv: i told you.

luke: liv.

liv: [silence]

luke: liv, come on. i'm your best friend.

liv: [sighs] i don't know. i just feel... it's like... ugh i don't know luke. do you ever get the feeling of just needing to get away from everything? the need to have everyones eyes off you and just find out what you want out life, or who you are. i just, i just felt like i had a nothing sort of life, you know? everyone speaks a ton of crap, and everyone looks down on the choices i make, and i know i've made some bad ones [pauses] but isn't that the point? i just wanted to disappear. not forever, but just for a little while. [trails off, looking up at luke]

luke: [smiles softly] liv...

liv: thank you.

luke: [softly] what for?

liv: for coming with me.

luke: [wraps arms around liv] maybe i needed this just as much as you.

liv: your sister would be proud of you.

luke: [smiles] i hope so.

[the two lie together silently, drowning in their own thoughts and trying to convince themselves that they are, in fact, okay.]

liv: i don't want to sleep.

luke: why not?

liv: it means you stop.

luke: stop?

liv: yeah, you stop. and you make up things in your head that you want so desperately to be true, however you can only call it a dream.

luke: what's wrong with dreaming? sometimes they come true.

liv: [laughs silently] you really need to cut down on the disney movies.

luke: you really need to watch more disney movies.

liv: i'm good.

luke: what's wrong with them?

liv: well, the lion king, for example, is demented, i mean scar is practically some deranged phyco killer who kills his brother and pins it on some poor kid.

luke: yeah but it gets better, you know?

liv: i broke the tv before i saw that part.

luke: [shoots liv a funny look] do i wanna know how?

liv: probably not.. [pauses] you look different in the dark.

luke: the dark brings out my sexy side. [wiggles eyebrows]

liv: [scoffs]

luke: dream about disney movies.

liv: what, so i can picture some lion getting shoved off a cliff in my sleep?

luke: you're hopeless.

liv: so are you.

luke: we're a good kind of hopeless.


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