➳ marshmallows

161 12 0

                              by the fire

luke: i burnt mine!

liv: isn't that like, the fifth one you've burnt?

luke: [mumbles] sixth, actually.

liv: [laughs] glad you're honest.

luke: it's not like you didn't burn one!

liv: [scoffs] i burnt my first one. have you seen me burn any others since then? hmm?

luke: you know what? just go and roast your marshmallows by yourself, hey?

liv: you're just jealous of my marshmallow toasting abilities. [rolls eyes]

luke: [exclaims] well teach me! becasue i have only eaten one single flippin' marshmallow, and you know what happened when i was eating it?

liv: do tell.

luke: i dropped half of it!

liv: how do you drop half a marshmallow? [raises eyebrow curiosly]

luke: it fell of the stick...

liv: you're an idiot.

luke: so you've mentioned.

liv: [picks up a marshmallow and puts it on lukes stick] ok, try taking it out sometime before it catches on fire, aye?

luke: [smiles sarcastically]

liv: well go on, try one.

luke: [puts the marshmallow over the fire, leaving it there] okay...

liv: okay, now pull it back.

luke: [silence]

liv: pull it back.

luke: [silence]

liv: [yanks stick back] do you want to learn or not ya moron.

luke: it wasn't crispy.

liv: crispy my ass.

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