➳ walking

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authors note:
if you could all leave some comments on the chapters, i would appreciate the feedback, thank you. and yes, it's slowly coming to an end at the end of the month, and i really enjoyed writing this. it was a bit of an experiment, actually. i'll let you get on with that chaper now :)                    

                              the nexy day, walking through perth

[luke and liv are looking around the sights of perth, thinking they could use a proper break as they had been driving pretty solidly for the past day. unconsiously, the two are holding hands as they make their way around the streets]

liv: sometimes i still can't believe we're doing this.

luke: [quirks an eyebrow] walking through perth?

liv: no, well yes, but not like that. [laughs] i mean this whole trip. it's amazing.

luke: [smiles gently] i'm glad i tagged along.

liv: [looks down, chuckling. she notices their hands joined together but doesn't do anything, simply grips it tighter, enjoying the feeling of his hand wrapped around hers] you did more than tag along, you know.

luke: [hums] maybe.

liv: oh! we should get a little token thing. there's a store right over there. [points infront of them]

luke: you're not going to get a keychain are you? cause that's lame.

liv: you're lame. but no, i wanna get one of those travel mugs, because first of all i need one, and second of all the ones in the window seem uber-cool.

[liv leading luke by the hand, they make their way towards the shop, with small ornaments hanging from the ceiling, and little nick-nacks lining the shelves. both of them grab a travel mug, as luke then insists he might as well get something too]

liv: [pulls out her wallet] we made pretty good time getting here, actually.

luke: [nods in agreement] we did. i suppose that means we can get to the next state quicker as well.

liv: then you can buy me that cookie.

luke: right.

liv: [waits for luke to pay for his mug, and starts walking out of the stor when he's done] unless you wanna admit you're a big softy.

luke: i don't believe in lying.

liv: [scoffs] you ego is too big.

luke: [smiles, taking a hold of livs hand once again, smiling when she doesn't let go] ah, but what would i be without it?

liv: still a pain in the ass.

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