➳ delays

232 14 1

                              side of the road

[the midday sun is beating down on the road, whilst luke and liv sit in the boot, waiting for another car to pass, as they've run out of petrol, and seemed to forget that they sould pack a spair. therefore, they are stranded in the middle-of-an-unknown-highway, with no company except a cat.]

liv: this is hopeless

luke: nothing is hopeless!

liv: [quirks an eyebrow] why so cheery?

luke: [pauses, trying to think of a suitable answer] why not?

liv: touche

luke: lift your spirits, child!

liv: i'm not a child. im nineteen.

luke: trust me, i know. [chuckles] children don't drink the amount that you do.

liv: [flicks arm] hey!

luke: they don't party the amount that you do, either. then again, have you ever seen kids high on lollies? it's kind of scary, the way they all grin and yell at you. and then they way they bang those pinyatas, it's like they're blood-thirsty.

liv: heh. you said bang those pinyatas.

luke: immature.

liv: that's me!


liv: [cranes neck to see further down the road] is that a car?

luke: no.

liv: [eyebrows knot together] then what is it?

luke: if you really wanna know, it's a wombat.

liv: oh.

luke: are you sure you don't need glasses?

liv: i'm quite sure i don't need glasses. my sight is impeccibly accurate. it's this heat, playing with my brain.

luke: [smirks] i think it's mind. it's playing with my mind.

liv: smartass.

luke: [winks] thanks for the double compliment, on my interlectual ability and my ass.

liv: [blushes]

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