➳ hotels

215 14 1

                              at the off-road hotel

[tired and hungry, they managed to find an acceptable hotel that liv approved of. dinner consists of the cheapest meal they can find on the menu, and sleeping arragements are to-be-discussed.]

liv: thank god we found a place!

luke: [rolls eyes] we found like, eight hotels. what was wrong witht the first one?

liv: those cutains screamed dust mites. [huffs]

luke:and the second one?

liv: [shoots a flat look] oh come on. i dare you to tell me you liked that place.

luke: [looks away] ok, maybe that one wasn't great, but the others were acceptable!

liv: i think not.

luke: [rolls eyes, dismissing the topic] can we get food now?

liv: about time.

luke: [picks up a room service menu, scanning it] ooh, they have a ten dollar pizza on here!

liv: what kind? because i swear if it's something with salami on it, we are not ordering it. that stuff makes me gag.

luke: thanks...for the lovely information. and i know, so why would i suggest it if it had salami on it? it's like a ham and cheese one, with pinapple. is that less gag-worthy?

liv: [grins] yeah.

luke: i'm glad. [picks up the phone to order]

liv: [falls down on the bed, arms and legs taking up the rest of the space]

luke: it should be here soon. we're like the only people staying here.

liv: i feel special.

luke: [lies down next to liv, shoving her to the side to make room] you are special.

liv: [looks at luke]

luke: [smiles]

[the door knocks]

luke: coming!

[luke comes back with a pizza box and two soft drink cans, setting them down on the foot of the bed, as liv sits up, scooting towards the box, grabbing a can of soft drink at the same time]

luke: my god, people food! real food, that normal people eat! i'm so tired of eating packets of chips and mcdonalds.

liv: funny, before we left that's all you used to eat anyway.

luke: [chuckles, settling down beside liv again] what do you miss the most? even though we've only been gone a couple of days, name something.

liv: [looks away, fiddling with her fingers] weeellllllll.... haha that's funny to say. luke, try it with me! wellllllll.

luke: liv answer the question.

liv: weeellllllllllllll.

luke: liv!

liv: weeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


liv: luke...


liv: luke!

luke: [looks up from his food, glancing at liv dully] are you finished?

liv: i suppose, unless--

luke: [interrupts] no more well-ing!

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