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Splash!, you dove into the pool. Droplets of it flew from where you landed and right when you sink, in came a new world. All feels familiar. All feels... home. Diving in has become your habit now, not until you met him and was introduced to his own little world. A world you're a big part of now, a world Haru belonged you to. Paddling your feet, you immediately become engrossed with the waters as you've accepted its presence. Crystal clear. Everything underwater is crytal clear. The tiles, the sunlight, then there was Haru, all of a sudden. Catching up beside you, swimming, smiling upon your sight. Priceless as always. This moment, this moment as he held your hand and swam with you in perfect unison, is crystal clear. Warmth wormed its way to your chest against the cold that sends shivers on your body. Then your eyes meet. You turned and so did he at the exact same time and found the bluest pair of eyes almost as blue as the waters staring back at you. It was so enchanting. "I love you," you saw him mouthed. You smiled at him, the same warmth melting your heart as you think his love for you has always been that clear.

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