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Looking through all the pictures you have taken after one whole fun day with the Samezuka swim relay team as a part of Momo's and Aiichiro's treat to both their Seniors, you couldn't help but smile softly. You never expected you're invited at all but Sousuke said he wouldn't go without you, so the others welcomingly tagged you along too. It was indeed fun though. You enjoyed yourself and the rest of them seemed to have a good time even for the last moments they have left. You ate bunch of foods together, made memories in which you, of course, took pictures at least to treasure. Scanning through each of them now, you then noticed how your boyfriend never smiled at any of them. How Sousuke never really smiled. You frowned, caressing his face in a certain picture. "Is that the pictures from earlier?," comes a deep voice that always warms your heart. You felt him sit beside you, putting an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close. You could only nod. "Something wrong?," he asked. Then you told him. You asked him why he wouldn't smile when time would stop if he does. "Do I have to?," he says. To show you're happy, you whispered, laying your head in his broad shoulder. Without you knowing the faintest smile crept up on his lips as he mumbled, "If only you know how happy I am inside."

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