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You didn't know how to swim back then. As a kid you always had a hard time how to stay afloat. Even now that you are a teen you are still hopeless with swimming. You kept drowning, sinking, failing. When you met Makoto who was once afraid of the water but happened to now be a swimmer, you felt hope. You can still swim. And one day, you'll swim right next to him. You'll swim, just the two of you. So you told him you want to learn. Being a part time swimming instructor he didn't hesitate to say yes; anything for you. Then he taught you. Boy you were so proud of him for teaching you despite of his history of aquaphobia. Swimming beside him right this moment, it made you realize just how thankful you are for keeping up with him as he swam. All the things you know, paddling your feet, holding your breath, you wouldn't be as good as you do those now if not for him. With linked hands, you swim further across the pool. It was perfect. And you didn't know it could get more perfect as he slowly pulled you close and kissed you. Underwater. You and him, underwater. Just like what you dreamt.

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