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Namjoon had never felt better in his life. His head felt clear, his body felt rippling with energy and he was just ecstatic that Taehyung was beneath him and screaming out, thrashing and whimpering as the blood from his mark fell down like beet juice.

"Mm—J-Joon, it hurts!" Taehyung cried out, and Namjoon froze. He instantly crooned, babying his mate in his arms lovingly as the omega shivered in obvious shock in his arms.

"Fuck, baby, I'm sorry—I-I didn't—I didn't mean to, do-does it hurt bad?" Namjoon whispered, his eyes wide.

Taehyung whimpered. "N-no, s'okay, uhm." Taehyung hid in Namjoon's chest. "Y-you're in rut, aren't you?"

Namjoon nodded, still hugging Taehyung close to him, licking softly over the mating mark to make sure it healed correctly, softly lapping over it until it stopped bleeding. Taehyung just fell apart in his arms, eyes hooded, lips parted, a tired look on his face.

"You should leave, before I...lose it again." Namjoon patted Taehyung's bum and the omega peeled himself away from Namjoon's warm embrace. "Don't you have to attend school tomorrow, anyways? You've been absent for a while."

"Yeah." Taehyung mumbled. "I gotta go to my apartment tonight too, gotta clean and I have a math project due in a day..."

Namjoon nodded, just softly rubbing Taehyung's back before allowing the omega to get dressed and pick up his backpack that was left idle for a couple of days.

"I'll take care of Jooyeon, don't worry." Namjoon said softly. "Goodbye, Taehyung."

Taehyung nodded and grinned. "Bye Joonie, love you! Don't miss me too much." He winked and blushed, giggling and skipping out of the room.

Namjoon just sighed and shook his head. "I love you too."


It was only three hours later when Namjoon was at a loss for where to pick up Jooyeon.

Scratching the back of his neck, he frowned and studied the humongous school and wondered: Where the fuck would a tiny daycare section be?

He walked inside of the school, frowning, only to instantly be stopped by some weird-looking guard that asked why he was here. Namjoon frowned, looking him up and down as the guard pushed him back. "My son." Namjoon muttered. "I'm here to pick up my son." He was curt and impatient, his rut making him extremely on edge and snappy.

"Name and ID?" The guard asked.

"ID? Why the fuck would he need an ID, he's seven, I think." Namjoon spat. "Kim Jooyeon."

The guards flipped through the papers. "There's no Kim Jooyeon in these records."

"For fuck's sake, he's in the daycare." Namjoon snapped. "Just tell me where that is and I'll find him myself!"

The guard glowered, looking cold. "You could've said that earlier." He flipped through another file. "Name?"

"Kim Jooyeon." Namjoon repeated.

"Not the kids, yours." The guard muttered.

"Kim Namjoon." He snapped, irritated at the guard's behavior. This school should get a new security staff, Jesus Christ.

The guard shook his head. "There's no Kim Namjoon enlisted as a guardian or parent under Jooyeon's record."

Namjoon was outraged. "What the fuck? Look here, you son of a bitch, I made that fucking kid, how the fuck are you gonna tell me that he's not my son if I'm the one that made him? Let me in!" He attempted to push past him but the security guard stopped him with a scowl.

"There's only a Kim Taehyung, and he's a student here." The guard crossed his arms, eyes a challenging red as the security guard attempted to keep his cool as Namjoon exploded with anger. "No Kim Namjoon from what I see."

"Kim Taehyung's my fucking mate—move aside! I just fucked that omega this morning!" Namjoon spat, but the guard shoved him back and Namjoon growled, crouching. "You will regret that, motherfucking son of a—!"

"Woah—woah, what is the problem here?!" A staff member rushed out of the office to the left, her tight skirt making her run slowly towards them, her high heels clicking on the floor loudly. "Gentlemen, this is a high school, not a wrestling alley! What is going on?" She exclaimed.

Namjoon straightened up, seething. "Excuse me, do you know if there is a daycare around here somewhere?"

The lady nodded. "In the—"

"Don't tell him! I have a feeling he's some sort of child predator." The guard sneered and Namjoon's eyes glowed red. "He's looking for a kid with no proof that he's a guardian or parent. Kim Namboob or something."

"Kim Namjoon, and I fucked a bitch and made a kid, I know what he looks like." Namjoon spat back angrily.

The lady looked bewildered at Namjoon's shameless retorts, but she could already smell an alpha's irritated musk filling the air by the second. "Uhm, we can always attempt to look into your repor—"

Just then, the sound of children and teachers singing some sort of dumb lullaby interrupted them and they all looked up to see the old lady that took care of the kids in the daycare, two high school students who walked side by side, probably helping to watch the kids that skipped and played around in front.

Namjoon walked forward but the guard shoved him back. Namjoon snarled, spotting Jooyeon leading the kids with a huge grin on his face and his chest puffed out like the tiny, proud alpha he was, laughing and giggling. Jooyeon looked around and spotted Namjoon and the pup's eyes brightened. "Mrs. Lee! That's my Daddy, lookie!" He pointed excitedly at Namjoon's direction and giggled. "I tink he's taking me home! But I don't see my Mommy."

Mrs. Lee ushered him off. "Well, then, go on now. Be a good boy today, okay, Jooyeon?"

"Okay, Mrs. Lee!" Jooyeon waved and said goodbye to his friends before skipping over to Namjoon.

Namjoon shoved the guard back as well, a smug grin on his face as Jooyeon tumbled towards him and hugged his leg. "Daddy! Daddy, look! I made anofer star! But this time I'm gonna give it to Mommy because you haf the yellow star and dis is a pink star for Mommy."

Namjoon ruffled Jooyeon's mop of messy brown hair and smiled. "Is that so? Well, you can give it to him tomorrow." Namjoon looked up and saw Mrs. Lee nodding and smiling kindly, ushering them to leave, and Namjoon stared back at the guard who looked extremely taken aback.

Namjoon hoisted Jooyeon up onto his waist and turned to the guard.

"Fuck. You." He snapped, smirking and walking out of the school doors. Outside, Jooyeon hopped off his waist and played with the star, running forward for a bit.

Suddenly, Jooyeon turned red and burst out laughing. "Pff—Daddy say fuck!"


uh there's been an amber alert in az today and its so sad and terrifying y'all should search it up oof

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