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this story has no volume anymore, no sauce no spiciness no taste its so bland,,

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) y'know what that means


"Chop the fucking onions, and then put it in the frying pan until it's sweet. Can you not fucking taste, fucktards?!"

His coworkers flinched at his loud voice, and Namjoon crossed his arms, watching one of his chefs chop up a batch of onions and drop them neatly onto a pan. Namjoon smiled at that, nodding. "Good. Do it like that!" He snapped at the other chefs, who all nodded hastily and scrambled to their stations.

The alpha threw a towel over his shoulder, grumbling. He wanted to see Taehyung. After fucking him four times in the afternoon and sucking the omega off, he had exhausted his mate and he had fallen asleep while the two were bathing, and Namjoon had gone off to work while Taehyung slept. It was around the time that Jungkook and Jimin came back, disheveled and a little pink-faced, but Namjoon didn't question those two anymore and just saw them off to Taehyung while he cooked.

"207 is ready!" Namjoon shouted, sliding the freshly made meal over to a server, who expertly took it and walked swiftly off. "For 206, is that fucking soup gonna make itself or what?!"

"Sorry chef." A tiny beta beside him squeaked. "I burned the first batch..."

"You burned the—you fucking burned soup?" Namjoon snapped, shoving her aside. "Watch. Making soup isn't that fucking hard. Boil the water, add the onion water and the chopped onions, then the green onions, then some minced garlic, and fucking let that boil for a bit." Namjoon chopped all the ingredients and put them in hastily, with a sort of exercised grace that amazed the female beta. "Then put the kimchi in and the chopped pork. Add some chili powder, tofu, mushrooms—did they ask for anything to be taken out?"

"N-no," the beta answered quickly.

"Okay. Now add some of that oil, mix it," Namjoon took a measuring cup and added some avocado oil, pouring it in and taking a cup of fish sauce (forgot what it's called awa) and dumping it in. "Now fucking wait for it to fucking boil. You can make the side dishes while you're at it! There's no way you could've burned that, unless your IQ is really that low that you overcooked fucking soup."

The beta looked hurt, but Namjoon just swept away to check the other stations. Everything seemed good.

But then he smelled something burning again.



"Jooyeon, are you ready?"

Jooyeon suckled on a lollipop. "Yes, Mommy. Where we goin'?" He mumbled, looking up with his Ryan stuffy beneath his arms. Taehyung tugged on his white shoes, wrapping a thin scarf around Jooyeon's neck and held his hand, walking out.

"Ah, we're just walking to visit Daddy at work." Taehyung said with a soft grin. Jooyeon nodded and waddled beside him, the strawberry lollipop between his lips slowly turning smaller. "Do you want anything before we go?" Taehyung asked, stopping by a convenience store and waving briefly to the lady at the front.

"Yes!" Jooyeon's eyes lit up, and he darted in the snack aisle. Taehyung giggled and followed after him, seeing Jooyeon had already had his arms full with a bunch of snacks. Taehyung scanned the aisles for his own, and picked out one for Namjoon as well. "I'm gonna eat dis all!" Jooyeon said, the lollipop stick in his mouth flying out and landing somewhere.

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