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"Stop being so cute. My dick is literally inside of you right now."

Taehyung giggled as Namjoon pulled out of him for the third time that morning, and another load of cum came out of his hole. Taehyung stretched his legs and curled back on the bed, spreading them apart and letting Namjoon lean up and kiss him. The omega pulled back, dazed, and snuggled back onto the messy sheets with a sigh.

"I love it when you kiss me." Taehyung said breathlessly and Namjoon snickered.

"Oh really? I can't tell." Namjoon grinned and sat up. "We should probably get washed up and go out."

So after an hour long of rinsing and bubbling themselves up, Namjoon and Taehyung tossed their sheets into the wash and came out to the living room. Namjoon was wearing his normal attire of sweatpants and being shirtless, while Taehyung wore skimpy but comfy pajamas that Jimin whistled at and he playfully smacked Taehyung's ass. "Oh~ showing off those curves, I see?" Jimin grinned as Taehyung blushed.

"Honestly," Taehyung lightly smacked Jimin's ass back. "You're one to talk."

Jungkook watched tiredly from his place at the kitchen table. For some reason, the boy looked extremely exhausted lately and it worried Namjoon a lot. He used to be full of energy, calmly eating his breakfast before booking it for their basement to workout (a place Taehyung and Jimin had yet to explore), but the workout equipment remained untouched for days and Namjoon was, well, worried.

"You fucked Jimin so much you lost your fire." Namjoon said bitterly, plopping down beside Jungkook with a bowl of chicken soup and vegetables. "What is wrong with you?"

Jungkook glanced up tiredly and shook his head. "I think I'm nearing rut. Which is awful, because I have a test this and next week and I'm really looking forward to this summer break."

Namjoon sent his brother a sympathetic glance, and looked up when Jooyeon trudged in. The pup was rubbing his eyes, yawning adorably. He opened his eyes and smiled goofily, and Taehyung giggled and got up to hug his pup.

And then suddenly he let out an infuriated scream and slammed his Ryan stuffy to the ground. "I hate you all!"

Taehyung froze and flinched back as Jooyeon screamed and ran back into his room, and the male turned back to stare, surprised at Namjoon.

"It...must be the ruts..."


Namjoon was also kicked into rut that afternoon.

While in the midst of having Taehyung all snuggled up in his lap, while Namjoon was in the middle of reading one of his favorite books, an excruciatingly shocking pain stabbed his lower stomach and he flung his glasses off and shoved Taehyung off before booking it for the medicine cabinet. Taehyung hit the table in front of him with a groan, and looked up to see Namjoon gulping his pills down with a growl.

Namjoon then stomped into his room.

Fuming, Taehyung sat up, scrambling to his feet. Namjoon was so warm and squishy and comfy, and then he just hit his pelvis against the table due to him standing up so suddenly. But Taehyung knew it was his responsibility to please his alpha during ruts, so with a gentle knock on Namjoon's bedroom, Taehyung peeked in.

"Alpha?" Taehyung murmured, being hit with the strong scent of sharp and spicy mint. Namjoon was on the bed, shirtless, his legs spread apart and him fanning himself aggressively. "Can I come in?"

Namjoon sat up with red eyes. "Tae?" His voice was soft. "Come in."

Taehyung moved the door and waddled in, closing the door behind him and joining Namjoon in the bed. The alpha groaned softly and rutted hard against Taehyung's thighs, and Taehyung's eyes flared gold. "Oh." Taehyung breathed, smiling. "Is alpha...horny?"

Namjoon growled and rutted harder. "Shut it. I'm busy, aren't I?" He grabbed Taehyung's chin and smashed their lips together.


Jooyeon was angry.

He didn't know why. But he just woke up angry.

"Hmph." Jooyeon crossed his arms and puffed out his cheeks, staring angrily at his Ryan stuffy. "You're ugly. I hate you. You're mean and stupid and—and a fucking ugly shithead!" He sat back proudly after using his Daddy's naughty words and grinned. "Yeah! Fuck you! Fuck! Fuck you fuck you fuck!"

Jooyeon sat up and kicked his legs into the air and roared. "Fuck you!" He kicked himself off the bed and ran out into his parent's bedroom. "Fuck!"

Taehyung was lounging on the bed, naked, when Jooyeon ran in yelling the curse words. Gasping, Taehyung sat up and stared as his pup rampaged the room while screaming "Fuck you and you and you! And fuck!" He pounded his chest and laughed loudly, jumping up and down.

"Joo! Joo—Kim Jooyeon we do not—we do—" Jooyeon ducked as Taehyung came after him. "We do not say those words in this house!" He attempted to grab at Jooyeon but his son was quicker, and Jooyeon slipped away.

Jooyeon cackled and dove under the covers, and Taehyung dug in after him. "Joo—Jooyeon!"

Jooyeon popped out on the other side of the bed triumphantly and puffed out his chest. "Fuck your bullshit!" He said, and opened his eyes.

But when he did, Namjoon was standing in front of him.

Namjoon scowled. "What. Did you just say?"


damn namjoon is hot when he comes out of the shower huh. taehyung's a lucky man

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