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Taehyung and Jimin woke up to two plates of sizzling hot golden scrambled eggs heaped on top of buttered toast, a side of perfectly cooked bacon, maple syrup and homemade pancakes that Namjoon had a special recipe for: although he didn't make American breakfast's like this often, they were heavy and filling, and besides, the two omegas looked ecstatic to eat.

"Wow, this looks good!" Taehyung gaped, and Jimin simply sat down, staring shyly at Jungkook who was already chewing on a spoonful of eggs. After the incident with Jimin nearly scent-marking Jungkook, and Jungkook almost biting on Jimin's neck, there was a crackling tension between the two, but Taehyung was unable to notice it as he sat down and smiled slyly up at Namjoon. "I thought you said you wouldn't feed us?"

"Jungkook's a soft spot," Namjoon responded, clearing his throat as he leaned against the counter and chewed on a baby carrot, "and he begged me to feed you. Looks like I won't be surprised if I become an uncle, soon."

"Hyung!" Jungkook squeaked and Jimin flushed, hiding his face. "W-we're not even dating!"

"Whatever," Namjoon swallowed, leaning back further to chew slowly on the sweet carrots and lifting up his own plate of unbuttered eggs. "It's not any new information. We will all have our own family one day."

Jimin and Jungkook grew silent, but Taehyung laughed, not paying attention to whatever Namjoon was saying and just stuffing his face with food. He looked like a cute little puppy eating treats, his fingers growing shiny and sticky and Namjoon felt a prickle of a sort of, indelible emotion. He wanted to go over and scold the omega for being messy but at the same time, he wanted to lap the substance off his fingers and just compliment how adorable he looked—

No.'This was one of his workers: he was just here because his friend was in heat, and his brother had gone into rut. If not, Taehyung probably wouldn't even think about wanting to even hang out with him in his free time. He was an asshole: he knew that much about himself.

"I hope my mate is strong and super cuddly and caring," Taehyung giggled suddenly, not noticing the way Namjoon tensed. "And I hope he's big and super squishy!"

As everyone returned to eating in a happy sort of silence, Namjoon bit down hard on his carrot and stared down at himself. He couldn't help but wonder blankly:

Am I big and squishy?


"How many will we be seating today?"

Taehyung's eyes are bright and lively as normal, sparkling with a warm gaze as the family of five walked in, the three kids looking around excitedly upon smelling Namjoon's lovely food.

The mother, a fair and beautiful woman, with the hard scent of an alpha on her flesh, lifted up a perfectly manicured hand and smiled. "Just five," she said, although her face was a bit sour. Taehyung didn't notice this, however, so he nodded and stared down at her bright children. One day, he would have little pups like these too, and deep down, he couldn't wait.

Her husband, also an alpha, (judging by the sharp, unidentifiable scent coming off his skin) simply stared hard at him. Taehyung bowed his head respectfully, the scents of bold alphas clogging his nostrils and sort of allowing a submissive side of himself slip out a little.

He turned back to the kids, though, since they looked much more softer and kind. The kids held no scent, as they were quite young and haven't been identified as an omega, beta or an alpha. "Do you three want any crayons or coloring tools to play around with while you wait for your food?" Taehyung asked, giggling a little as all three gaped and nodded, jumping excitedly. Their mother cleared her throat and all kids immediately stopped, lowering their heads. Taehyung stared awkwardly back up at their mother and laughed nervously. "O-oh, so, erm, would you l-like a kids menu—?"

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