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Taehyung looked up in a fright when he realized the kid had vanished while he scanned the snack aisle. Upon Namjoon's request, he had gone to the supermarket to pick up Jooyeon's promised icecream and a salty snack for Namjoon. And maybe he'd pick out a bag of sweets for himself.

The cute, button-nosed boy was nowhere to be seen and a sense of fatherly panic rose in his chest, his omega instincts on full-alert.

"Jooyeon?" He darted to one side of the aisle, glanced around and to the other side, scanning each aisle with more and more panic filling his chest until he felt like he was suffocating. "Jooyeon!"

"Uhm, sir?"

Taehyung whirled around to see a shorter, skinnier girl wearing a tunic with a tiny name tag on her top left breast pocket. Her hair tied up in a bun, she looked expectantly at Taehyung with the professional smile of a customer service worker. "Do you need any help finding anything?"

"M-my pup!" Taehyung cried. "I can't find him!"

Her eyes widened and she instantly placed a hand on Taehyung's wrist to calm him. "Where did you last see him?" She asked, following after Taehyung as he led her to the snack aisle. "Oh, erm. I'll tell the manager."

She lifted a mic up to her lip from the clip on her tunic and she said: "Checking in from customer service. Anyone present to take?"

"Present. Is this Choi? What do you need?"

"There's a man here saying that he lost his pup." She glanced at Taehyung and asked softly. "What does he look like? What's he wearing?"

Taehyung began to shake. "U-Um, short brown hair, he's this tall, m-maybe three feet? Uh, he's wearing denim overalls, a-and a yellow shirt with the Ryan bear on them? He has red sneakers. He-he's—he's s-six years old, please find him."

The lady reported the look of the pup and led him to the customer service box, sitting him down and bringing lavender chamomile tea, speaking softly to him and calming him down.

Her mic buzzed and she brought it to her lips. "No sign of any pup like that. You sure he described him right?"

Taehyung felt tears rise in his eyes and he clutched the teacup in his hands. "N-no...my pup, please find my pup."

What would Namjoon say?

"Yes, I'm sure he did." The lady said. "Can you double check? Put it over the speakers. A lost child, c'mon, before the pup goes any further."

What would Jimin say? Jungkook?

Taehyung's eyes turned gold and he lowered his gaze, a whine rising from the back of his throat as he began to become emotionally overridden. "Sir, please calm down, we'll find him."

What would everyone say? An omega, responsible for looking after pups and caring for them lost one. His own mate's pup. Not even his own. How irresponsible can you be, Kim Taehyung? What a disaster.

"We'll check the parking lot." She said gently, raising the teacup to his lips. "We'll find your pup, sir, don't worry."


Jooyeon was naturally a curious boy. He wasn't even fazed when he saw the cool looking men in black leave the store sneakily holding things inside of their jackets. Jooyeon gasped, his eyes sparkling in awe. Were those cool spy-people like those in the movies?!

He instantly ran after them, forgetting about the nice purple-haired man that Jooyeon was convinced he was his brand new sparkling Mommy, and giggled.

"Hello mister!" Jooyeon chirped, oohing as the man lifted up his middle finger and Jooyeon copied. "What does this mean?"

"Means fuck off, kid, go back to your mom." The male snarled and Jooyeon frowned.

"My Mommy said that's a bad word." He wrinkled his nose. "He also said that rape is a bad word."

The masked man snorted and continued to unpack the items into the car and Jooyeon scuttled over. "I'll help! Mommy says it's always good to help people, even strangers."

"Oh, really? Then would you wanna come on an adventure with me, ride in my car come home with me? I've got anything you'd like." The man waved off his partner who hissed at him in a lower voice, eyes darting around frantically. He turned back to Jooyeon and smirked. "I've got candy, icecream, chips, you name it."

Jooyeon gasped with childlike awe, but before he could nod yes, a weird, screeching howling noise erupted from the market and the man tensed before looking up to see a male with flying lilac hair barreling towards him at full speed and Jooyeon giggled at how funny Taehyung looked, clapping his hands together.

"Stay away from my pup you lying dirty son of a bit--!"

Taehyung headbutted into the man's ribcage at full force, standing up almost instantly with a snarl and scooping Jooyeon up onto his waist carefully and walking away as if nothing happened. The man groaned, rolling around on the floor in pain before sitting up, only to be stopped by two stronger people, one male and one female. "Ah, so you're the dude that kept taking stuff from the market?" The girl muttered, and the male flipped out his cellphone to call the cops. His partner, still in the car, saluted them and drove away.

"Bastard." The black-masked man muttered, the cap being pulled off of him to show a rather middle-aged man, his face contorted into an ugly scowl at Taehyung.

Taehyung blinked, shrugging and walking away before setting Jooyeon on the floor and bursting into tears. Jooyeon frowned and patted Taehyung's head. "Why are you crying, TaeTae? Don' cry. You said you shouldn't cry loud in public oderwise the big scary cop-man comes and takes you away, like if you don't pwut your seatbelt on!" Jooyeon said. He petted Taehyung's head and grinned adorably, the smile so awfully similar to Namjoon's smile, with dimples on each cheek and his eyes crinkling up cutely.

Taehyung wiped his tears and pulled Jooyeon into a hug, flinching when the areas that Jooyeon's skin made contact on his felt like knives stabbing into his skin. Jesus, the pain just got worse and worse everyday. Taehyung would have to mate with Namjoon soon, but...he wasn't ready for a relationship that serious.


is it just me or do u just randomly get that feeling where you feel bad about being mean to ur family and stuff and ur heart hurts because life is so hard and u just sit in ur room knowing u've got thousands of things to do and the world never stops time is nonexistent but we rely on it so much and we procrastinate even though the tiny voice in the back of our head tells us every bit of hard work we put into this dumb social studies project is useless and we're all going to die soon and nobody will remember u but u keep going bc ur curious about the world and u wanna experience as many things as possible before u die and then u start questioning what is death and is there really a heaven and hell there has to be something on the other side right we lived for so long and touched and felt there has to be something on the other side when we die but then u start asking urself well what if this world doesn't even exist and we're all just imagining these scenarios, what if we're all just little bacterias with really vivid imaginations and have u ever questioned science like what if mass isn't mass and volume isn't volume and gravity isn't gravity and ml aren't really ml and length isn't length and we're all really idiots but we've set up labels to make ourselves seem smart, what if everything is really dumb and nothing is right in the world, what if 2+2 really isn't 4 but nothing two plus two is nothing four is nothing numbers are nothing?????

hm. oh well better study for that math test eyy gonna fail anyways

heats - vmonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin