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- proposal scene -

this book is coming to an end :(


Taehyung sighed dreamily, closing his eyes and laying back against the soft blue picnic blankets, feeling the damp coolness of the grass against his skin that seeped through the blankets. The sound of the river was awfully relaxing, and if it weren't for Namjoon returning with a shopping bag of hot spicy rice cakes, Taehyung probably would've fallen asleep.

"Your favorite," Namjoon said gruffly, plopping down besides him and Taehyung excitedly sat up, mouth watering as Namjoon snapped the chopsticks in half and gave some to Taehyung. "Is it good?"

Taehyung giggled goofily and nodded, grinning. "It's yummy." He puckered up his lips and hopped a little forward, munching on the spicy cakes. Namjoon popped one into his mouth as well, chewing noisily and nodding.

"It's loaded with MSG. Of course it tastes like this." Namjoon raised an eyebrow when Taehyung head butted his side and stuffed his mouth even more. "What?"

Taehyung huffily pushed Namjoon again and chewed. "Does that even matter~? It's good! Just enjoy the food, Joonie. And look at the river."

Namjoon was unenthusiastic. "It's full of fish shit. Look how filthy the water is."

Taehyung snorted. "It's not dirty. It's because it's night, Namjoon. Don't you come here during the day? The water is so clean!"

Namjoon pouted and shrugged, nervously looking down at the side of his lap where he held a tiny red velvet box, hidden from Taehyung's eyes. He gulped, swallowing his rice cake and instantly stuffing another one between his lips as Taehyung popped a pickled radish into his mouth and crunched on it. "Ah~ it's so nice out. I'm glad we got to take this break... you think Jimin and Jungkook are okay watching the pups by themselves?"

Namjoon half-choked half-laughed. "Of course they are. Jungkook's a responsible young man, I'm sure. Besides, they have Jooyeon, too. And he's basically all grown up."

Taehyung sighed and nodded, resting his head on Namjoon's shoulder. "I guess so." He closed his eyes, lips pursing when the wind flowed through his soft silvery hair, ruffling it and making Namjoon's hands flit up to brush it away out of his eyes. "Your chest is really tense and hard."

Namjoon snorted. "Sorry. Didn't know you wanted me to be so soft."

"No, it's okay. Your lap is squishier anyways," he said innocently, going down to rest his cheek on Namjoon's thigh happily. "It's so nice out."

Namjoon hummed in his response, sweat beading across his forehead as he slid Taehyung off his lap and stood with the velvety box behind his hands. Taking a deep breath of courage, his heart racing in his chest, he swallowed the nervous lump in his throat and kneeled in front of Taehyung who sat up in confusion.

"Joon...?" Taehyung whispered.

Namjoon smiled softly, taking out the box and looking up at his mate. Taehyung gaped and his eyes watered, and the omega sat back on his haunches in shock, lips parted.

"Kim Taehyung..." Namjoon started, opening the box and, hands shaking, he lifted it up towards Taehyung. "Will you do the honor of...well, uh, marrying me?"

Taehyung squeaked, unable to form words as he stammered and stumbled to say something, giggling uncontrollably and his eyes flowed with hot tears. He had been waiting so long for Namjoon to finally propose, and the omega jumped up to his feet. Namjoon waited tensely, eyes wide with pure nervousness and the alpha swallowed when Taehyung nodded eagerly.

"Yes, yes! Yes, I'll marry you, oh God!" Taehyung hugged Namjoon as the alpha blushed hotly and smiled in relief, taking his hands and slipping the gold ring between his fingers, about to kiss the wrist when suddenly he felt himself falling backwards.

"Oh shi—"

His words were cut off with a loud splash.


Taehyung giggled when he felt Namjoon's arms wrap around him, looking back to see his pouty face, his hair damp with water from the bath the two were taking. Taehyung sighed and curled back against him, lips pretty and soft and Namjoon quickly leaned down to peck his lips.

"I think I caught a cold." Namjoon grumbled, resting his chin in Taehyung's shoulder, shifting his legs so that water sloshed around their bodies, and Taehyung rolled his eyes, draining half the tub and adding some hot water.

"You couldn't have," Taehyung said, plugging up the tub again and shutting the hot water valve off. "It's summer."

"Who says you can't catch a cold in the summer?" Namjoon frowned, looking up at the ceiling while hugging Taehyung tightly to his chest. "Fuck. I'm exhausted. Let's get out."

Taehyung blinked, nodding as Namjoon pulled out of the tub, water dripping down his tan skin as the alpha towelled himself dry, not realizing Taehyung's wide eyes were fixated on his deliciously built body, basically drooling. But Taehyung quickly snapped out of his weird trance and unplugged the drain, waiting for Namjoon to wrap him in a huge, soft towel, which he did after a moment, and Taehyung got out shyly before beginning to slather some lotion on himself with the help of Namjoon.

"Don't you look pretty..." Namjoon murmured softly, tracing his lips down Taehyung's ear and staring at the mating mark needily. "All clean and exposed to your alpha...cutie..."

Taehyung blushed, shivering as he bent over to slip on his panties, earning a sharp slap to the ass. Shivers ran up his spine and Taehyung squeaked out in surprise when Namjoon grabbed him by the hips and pressed his ass right on Namjoon's clothed crotch. "H-hey, Joon, we just cleaned u-up..."

Namjoon smirked and brought Taehyung up, pinning him to the wall and curling his lip, sticking his tongue out. "I know. That's why I'll leave you alone this time but tomorrow..." Namjoon slid a hand across Taehyung's pudgy stomach and the omega shivered.

"Not so much."


yey i wrote a full chap uwu

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