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"Oh, what the fuck?!"

Taehyung let out a panicked sob as he stood over a puddle of his vomit, the gross liquid soaking the front of his shirt and dripping down his chin. Jesus fucking Christ. He just wouldn't get a break, would he? But he knew it was his fault. He had eaten that spicy rice cake when he shouldn't have while Namjoon was asleep, but it was just so tempting!

He craved everything, and anything. If it was food, he wanted it in his mouth and he wanted to eat it. But the thing was, his body would reject it later, and even though he knew, he continuously would be unable to control his cravings.

"Joonie!" Taehyung cried out, falling to his knees as Jungkook, who was sitting a couple of feet away on the sofa was staring, unable to do much as Taehyung basically threw a tantrum while sobbing out for Namjoon. "Joonie...!"

A sleepy-faced Namjoon stumbled out of the bedroom behind Taehyung and slammed himself against the wall. "Huh—wha?" He mumbled, sleepily rubbing his eyes.

Taehyung turned around, his eyes big and sad. "J-Joonie?"

Namjoon rubbed his eyes and walked over, and when he spotted the puddle he groaned.



"He's only vomiting every time he eats food he's not supposed to."

Taehyung curled up against the soft bedsheets that smelled strongly of clementine, and the omega dared to open his eyes when the voices speaking stopped. His mate and Seokjin were seating at a table away from the bed, sipping cups of sugary coffee that Taehyung really wanted.


Namjoon sipped his coffee and glanced over at Taehyung who lifted himself up from the bed, yawning. Seokjin smiled, looking at Namjoon whose gaze softened immensely upon seeing his mate.

"Yes, love?" Namjoon got up, holding a mug of the tea that Hoseok had brewed for Taehyung earlier, all while trying to keep all three of his pups in check as they had begun to learn how to crawl now, and it was quite difficult to keep them in check. "Did you sleep well?"

Taehyung nodded. "That medicine really helped."

Seokjin hummed. "I'm glad it did. It wouldn't have—ah, Haejin! Daddy told you you're not allowed in his work room."

Taehyung looked up when Seokjin instantly got up and bustled to the door, scooping up Haejin into his arms. She was wearing this pastel pink onsie, and Taehyung's eyes basically shone with stars when he saw her. "Oh my God," Taehyung squeaked, outstretching his arms and Seokjin handed his pup over. Taehyung gasped and nuzzled his nose to Haejin's cute little one. "She's so cute, what the heck!"

Haejin suckled on her pacifier, her gaze blank. She resembled Hoseok so much it was uncanny, and Taehyung burst into happy giggles. "You look just like your Daddy. Yes you do." Taehyung squealed when Haejin's lips spread into a soft smile, the paci falling from her lips and she gave Taehyung a soft, gummy smile. "Oh my God, yes you are the prettiest little thing, aren't you?"

And as Taehyung continued to obsess and shower the baby girl with affection, Namjoon watched with soft eyes from afar. He sighed, his cheeks caving in to create those beautiful dimples and Seokjin laughed softly, only to jerk up when Hoseok slammed open the door.

"Please tell me Haejin's in here." Hoseok panted, with his two sons in his arms. Both of them were covered head to toe in purple paint and Seokjin blinked.

"Did they find your paints again?" Seokjin asked, and Hoseok relaxed when he saw Haejin all cuddled up in Taehyung's arms.

"Yes, they did, as a matter of fact. So I moved them to the basement." Hoseok sighed, climbing besides the bed next to Taehyung. "Is Haejin behaving?" Hoseok asked with a huff, squeezing Haejin's cheek and ripping a small growl out of her, and Taehyung gaped.

Hoseok looked awful.

He had bags under his eyes, his face was all puffy as if he had been crying all night, he looked pale and almost unhealthy, as if malnourished and extremely exhausted. The omega, whose face was normally bright with cheerfulness and pink and a soft shade of peach was sickly-looking and Taehyung cupped his cheek.

"You look sick," Taehyung mumbled, and Hoseok blinked. Seokjin cocked an eyebrow from behind, confused.

"Huh?" Seokjin frowned, studying Hoseok's face. "No he doesn't."

Taehyung looked up. "Does he not look sick to you? He looks devastated. You look like you just fought all the wars in the world by yourself." Taehyung pressed the back of his palm to Hoseok's face. "And you're really cold, too."

Hoseok blinked in surprise. "What? Tae, I'm not sick...In fact, I feel better than I ever had in years. I finally popped these three brats out," Hoseok gestured to his pups, his two sons who had begun wrestling each other clumsily, babbling incoherently, "Seokjin's been very helpful too, I barely even watch these kids unless they have to eat." Hoseok laughed, but for some reason it sounded forced.

Taehyung frowned. "Then why do you look...so pale to me?"

Namjoon clasped Taehyung's shoulder. "Are you feeling okay, Taehyung?"

Taehyung crinkled his eyebrows. "Yeah, I'm fine. But, Hoseok's obviously not. Are you guys all blind or something?"

Hoseok glanced up at Seokjin nervously, and the alpha shrugged. "Taehyung...get some more sleep for now."

Taehyung frowned but nodded, handing Haejin over who cooed and tugged at Hoseok's hair while giggling. Taehyung took Namjoon's hand, pulled it to his chest and gave his mate a nervous look, but he closed his eyes and laid back down anyways.


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