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"You, you two idiots! Jooyeon's in the house and you two took it upon yourself to do that in the living room?!" He snapped, and Jungkook looked down shyly while Jimin huffed.

"Hey, you and Namjoon weren't so quiet about having some fun last night." Jimin retorted, rolling his eyes when Taehyung gasped and his his face.

"Wh—I wasn't even that loud!" Taehyung snapped, and Jimin stuck his tongue out before mimicking him.

"Pft, 'oh yes Alpha! More, more yeah, yeah~' my ass you weren't that loud." Jimin snorted and Taehyung turned bright red before barreling into Jimin, screaming. Jimin and Taehyung rolled around on the floor, with Jimin bursting out in uncontrollable laughter and Taehyung whining about how "my voice isn't that high pitched!"

Jungkook watched amusedly, looking up when he saw his older brother pad out, his hair damp and eyes tired. "Oh, hyung! I made dinner, you can take a break today." Jungkook grinned and Namjoon scoffed.

"Please, I know you just made ramen." Namjoon said, walking into the kitchen and pulling out a plate of sliced cucumbers and a side of other fresh veggies.

Jungkook pouted. "You never eat ramen. I bet you forgot what it even tastes like. Can you stop eating that crap everyday? I haven't seen you eat a single bite of junk food in years." Jungkook sighed, as Namjoon placed a plate of the vegetables to the side with a roll of his eyes.

"I don't wanna be fat, Jungkook." Namjoon said matter of factly, chewing on the end of a baby carrot with an unamused expression. "You know how quickly I gain weight."

"Hyung, you're an alpha!" Jungkook exclaimed. "You're supposed to be eating a lot, and we already have fast metabolisms." Jungkook shook his head. He stared at the way Namjoon nibbled on the end of a cucumber, pulling the cabinet shelfs open and pulling out a container of nuts, slicing some tofu on the side for himself. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Namjoon jolted but he regained himself. "I don't like ramen, Jungkook." He replied curtly.

"Lies." Jungkook retorted. "You inhaled that tokyo ramen when we used to eat out as teenagers."

"Look, Jungkook—"

"No, hyung, for once, you should listen to me." Jungkook said firmly, his eyes narrowing and his fists clenching as he pushed his fists to the table and looked up with a sigh. "Are these still habits from...when she abused you?"

Namjoon gulped, swallowing his slice of cucumber. "No." He said quickly.

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed angrily. "Stop being so stubborn! It is, isn't it? Sh-she made you like this?!"

"I just don't want...l-look, Kook, I don't feel well right now." Namjoon pushed the plate away, shaking, and Jungkook didn't miss the way that his hands shook with fright, and the way Namjoon tried to quickly pass him but Jungkook grabbed Namjoon's arm and threw him back against the counter.

"Hyung." Jungkook hissed, eyes blazing red challengingly and Namjoon, for the second time in his life, looked shameful, weak, pathetic. "I talked with Seokjin about your condition, and he said it's serious."

Namjoon shivered. "Kook..."

"And, he said you should get a therapist. Talk it out. Tell people, family, tell me. Hell, tell Taehyung if it makes you feel better—!"

"No!" Namjoon roared, and Jungkook flinched. "No, no, no!" He gripped the sides of his head. "No, no, I don't want to talk about her!"

"Joon?" Taehyung's voice came from behind the corner of the kitchen and Namjoon froze, panting. "Jungkook? What's going on?"

Jimin slipped out from behind. "Yeah, what the hell was all that noise? Sounded like someone was being murdered..."

"Namjoon?" Taehyung padded up to his mate, gripping his larger hands into his smaller, more slender fingers and clasping it. "A-are you okay?"

Namjoon dropped Taehyung's hand and walked wordlessly away, into his bedroom where Jooyeon was tucked neatly into bed and sleeping. Taehyung watched, turning back to Jungkook with a scowl on his face. He could smell the distress floating off of Jungkook, turning his usually fresh pine scent sour and pungent, and Jimin could detect it to the point of where he was sidling up to the alpha, eyes round with worry.

"He's starving himself." Jungkook whispered. "That bitch that abused him, she made him starve himself and he's still...he's still eating less and less."

"What?" Taehyung echoed. "A girl? Abuse?" He looked at Jimin, who sent him a similarly confused look. Then he remembered the time Namjoon had woken both him and Jooyeon up by screaming into his cell phone, and suddenly the pieces clicked.

"Namjoon was really abused? And raped?" Taehyung whispered and Jimin gasped. "Wait, Jungkook, are you serious?"

Jungkook sighed. "I'm...fuck it, I'm gonna go into my room."

Taehyung watched as Jungkook left, before pushing past Jimin who scuttled after Jungkook, and burst into Namjoon's bedroom. The alpha was curled up on the bed instead of his usual splayed out posture and Taehyung's heart broke a little when the alpha let out a soft whimper, trying to mumble the noises of his sobs.

"J-Joon..." Taehyung mumbled, padding over and wrapping his smaller body against Namjoon, whining softly when Namjoon pushed against him. Taehyung was a little hurt as Namjoon rejected his skinship but he tried again, and the second time he tried Namjoon didn't say anything. "Joon, tell me what's wrong."

Namjoon shook. "There's n-nothing wrong." He whispered and Taehyung looked down at the broad shoulders of Namjoon's handsome body. Taehyung hadn't even noticed that Namjoon was starving himself. He had so much muscle around his arms it was unbelievable that the alpha would starve himself, but it was understandable. "Let's just nap..."

"Namjoon, I love you, you know." Taehyung began, sitting up a little and tilting his head over Namjoon's body to stare at his face, that was blank and tears stained his cheeks, nose red. He looked strikingly similar to Jooyeon when Namjoon had kicked him out of the car and Taehyung's heart cracked. "You can tell me anything, I-I'll do anything to make you happy."

Namjoon turned around quickly, engulfing Taehyung in a hug. "Don't fucking leave me." Namjoon whispered lowly, and Taehyung hugged just as tightly back. "Don't do it, please don't leave me."

"Who said I was?" Taehyung responded quietly, knowing that Jooyeon was asleep on the giant bed on the edge, rolled up like a marshmallow in the sheets. "I'm never leaving you..."

"Promise, Taehyung." Namjoon said. "Please promise."

"I promise on my life I'll never leave you." Taehyung shivered, his legs spreading out a little as he got a little too much of Namjoon's scent and his heat had started to stir. "J-Joon..."

Namjoon looked down, noticing Taehyung's little erection and the alpha wiped his tears, softly kissing Taehyung. Taehyung kissed back, feeling the desperation in Namjoon's lips, the fear splayed in his red eyes, and Taehyung's committed love burning in his.

"Fuck. I wanna make love to you, so bad." Namjoon whispered.

Taehyung whined. "I wanna, too, but I'm scared...I'm still eighteen..."

"Yeah, baby..." Namjoon laughed softly and pressed his forehead to Taehyung's, lips tight. "Let's finish this in the bathroom..."


so do u think all this nutting is healthy for them like

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