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hnnnggg i'm feeling depressed = uninspired = lonely :( sometimes i feel like nobody in the world is gay but me 😔 fml

but i was motivated enough to write this chapter for u all ❤️ do y'all know how much i appreciate ur guys existence


Taehyung clutched the bedsheets when the cold icing swept across his ass cheeks and he felt a hot tongue swipe it off almost instantly. He shivered, whining, slicking heavily as his sensitive ass was played with again and again.

"Fuck," Taehyung heard Namjoon growl, slapping some whipped cream all over his ass and licking it hungrily, eating some of Taehyung's slick as well, the delicious sweet taste of berries and whipped cream filling his mouth. "Fuck, fuck, baby."

Taehyung shuddered and stuck his out ass a little further back. "Joonie," He whispered, allowing Namjoon to gently and playfully graze his fangs against his ass, making his toes and fingers curl. "Joonie, I'm tired..."

Namjoon just continued to lick the cream off of him, growling, licking his hole every time slick oozed out of him and when he was satisfied, he pulled away and wiped Taehyung down with a warm towel before allowing the omega to rest on the bed with a content smile.

"Go brush your teeth, you don't want cavities," Taehyung giggled, and Namjoon rolled his eyes. When he finished brushing and came back, Taehyung was already half asleep, dozing off. Namjoon had wanted to go a little further than just licking the sweet sugar off of his ass, but his omega was obviously tired, so he let him sleep.

The next morning, Namjoon woke to the sound of Taehyung chatting outside in the living room. Yawning, he got up and saw Taehyung all curled up into Jimin's chest, both omegas talking about something that he didn't quite understand, and he went straight for the kitchen to find Jungkook looking like he was in a crisis.

"What's with the face so early in the morning?" Namjoon frowned, and Jungkook whimpered and hid his face. "What?"

"Hyung, is it weird for someone to ask someone to suck them off twice?" Jungkook whispered and Namjoon wrinkled his nose. Jungkook whined. "I'm being serious!"

"Why do you ask me this stuff?" Namjoon groaned. "You have the internet, and you have the guts to ask me instead of looking it up online?" He rummaged through the fridge and pulled out a bowl of fresh vegetables and some low calorie dipping sauce. "Honestly, it's not that weird. Because, as long as both sides enjoyed it I guess."

Jungkook hid his face again. "Oh God."

"Go back to your room if you're gonna mope in my kitchen." Namjoon muttered, munching on his vegetables. Jungkook sighed and trudged away, and Namjoon rolled his eyes, turning around with a baby carrot in his mouth.

Taehyung was ready, poised and he snatched the bowl of vegetables, threw it to the ground and kissed Namjoon.

It was so unexpected that Namjoon accidentally lashed out and shoved Taehyung away, but before the omega could hit his back on the corner of the table Namjoon darted out and held him, making Taehyung yelp.

"Joonie!" Taehyung squeaked, cheeks pink as Namjoon held him against his chest so his face was all squished up between them. "I was just giving you a morning kiss!"

Namjoon sighed and relaxed his grip, staring at the scattered vegetables everywhere. "And you've spilled my breakfast..."

"Idiot," Taehyung pulled Namjoon close by the chin and gave him a look that made Namjoon feel oddly small despite the fact that he was literally taller than Taehyung to the point where he had to look down on him, "we're eating out today!"

Namjoon spluttered. "But—the vegetables—?"

"Fuck the vegetables," Taehyung grinned and led Namjoon to the door where a tiny Jooyeon wrapped up in a fluffy Ryan jacket was sitting, tugging on his shoes and hopping to his feet when Taehyung neared. Jooyeon took Taehyung's hand and made his way out the door.

"Jimin! Tell Jungkook to hurry the fuck up!" Namjoon snapped, and Taehyung smacked his chest when Jooyeon snickered and copied Namjoon.

A muffled squeak came in response and Taehyung rolled his eyes and left, not knowing that Jimin's mouth was currently stuffed with a very thick cock. (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). The tiny omega struggled to get Jungkook off, having been shoved onto the floor in the midst of when he was putting on a bra, and Jungkook had desperately shoved his dick inside of Jimin's mouth and the omega had obliged as if it were normal, drooling and sucking.

"It's so nice out," Taehyung sighed, holding his pup and his mates hand as they strolled happily down the sidewalk, pausing to wait for Jimin and Jungkook. As they waited, in the penthouse, Jungkook was cumming hard down Jimin's throat. "The weather's getting warmer now~ spring will come and bring tons of pretty flowers!"

Namjoon grinned at the sight of his beautiful mate, who looked up at Namjoon with his adorable smile, his cheeks all squished up from the padded jacket he was wearing and Namjoon gently leaned in to mouth at his cheek and kiss it. Taehyung turned red and looked down, giggling. He twiddled with his thumbs, about to lean in to kiss Namjoon back when Jooyeon growled from beside him loudly unexpectedly.

"Where's Uncle Kook?" Jooyeon roared, getting some frightened glances from passing strangers. "I want french toast!" He raised his arms in a weird position.

"Since when did you know what french toast was?" Taehyung rubbed his cheek, leaning down to squeeze his cheek. Jooyeon made a weird face and Taehyung burst out laughing, looking back up at Namjoon. "But really, where is Jungkook and Jimin? They should be down by now."

Namjoon frowned. "I'll call him."

And Jungkook was falling back, gasping on the bed when his phone rang. He instantly panicked, remembering that they were going out to eat, and he scrambled up for Jimin's and his clothes.

They came down in a hurry, stinking of their scents and ruffled. Jimin's lips were oddly swollen, and his hair was literally a mess on his head with that after-sex look.

Taehyung gasped and Namjoon's left eye twitched.

Jungkook cleared his throat meekly and Jimin looked away.

"You two are so dead."

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