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"Taehyung? Why are you calling? I heard you went to Ilsan with Jimin?"

Taehyung nodded, the phone being pressed to his ear. "Yes. It's really pretty here...but uh, Seokie, I have to ask a question. I went into heat a couple days ago but, I've been feeling really tired and my breasts started hurting a lot." He turned a little pink. "D'you know what that could mean?"

There was a pause on the line. "I'm not too sure. I haven't run any tests on you because you haven't called. When you get back to Seoul, come by and I'll run tests. Make sure you're drinking your tea, okay?"

Taehyung went pale. "Oh. Okay. Yeah. Bye Seokie."


Taehyung set his phone in his lap and stood, pacing. "No no..." He mumbled, biting his nails nervously and looking up. "What am I gonna do?" He crouched and rummaged through his luggage. "What am I gonna do? I forgot to eat my tea and Namjoon—" He gasped. "N-Namjoon...-and I...oh no."

He stood and burst out the door and ignored the fact that Namjoon stood and tried to give him a hug. When the omega threw on a coat and ran out the door, Namjoon looked back, confused, before running after him.


Taehyung looked back with a scream. "No! Stay away!"

Namjoon frowned, hurt. "What? Tae, come back!"

"No!" Taehyung ran faster and disappeared into a convenience store. Namjoon burst in, but Taehyung had vanished. He walked around for a moment, scanning the snack aisles, looking through where the fridges and freezers were when he heard it.

"Taehyung!" He roared and jumped forward, and his mate squealed and fell back from a certain aisle that made him frown. "What are you doing? Running from me like that? Made me look like I was trying to murder you." He stared at the tiny box he was hiding in his chest. "What is that?"

Taehyung gulped. "H-huh?"

"What're you hiding?"

Taehyung backed away. "Nothing. It's just some bandaids."

Namjoon narrowed his eyes. "Show me."

"No, really," Taehyung bumped into a snack shelf and gulped, "it's just a pack of bandaids, you don't need to worry—ngh, Joon!"

He gasped when Namjoon grabbed his hips and mouthed over his mating mark, startling the omega and making him drop the box, landing squarely in the palm of his hand. Namjoon picked it up with as smug smile and studied it. His face slowly paled.

"A...." Namjoon choked. "A-a—a pre-pregnancy test—?"

"I can explain—" Taehyung started, looking nervous.

Namjoon looked up at him. "Did you cheat on me? There's no way you could be pregnant with me. What—what in the fucking—how?"

"No, Joonie, listen." Taehyung clutched Namjoon's arm, glancing over at the cash register lady who was giving them weird glances. "I...when we did it without the condoms on...and you just pulled o-out when you h-had to cum, uh—" He looked down at his feet and played with his sleeves. "I wasn't drinking my tea..."

"Your what?"

"M-my tea." He looked mortified. "It's my birth control and heat pain and scent suppressant from Seokjin made with natural herbs. Non-carcinogenic. I wasn't taking it."

Namjoon was an odd shade of blue. "So you're pregnant?"

"N-not really! We don't know for sure, obviously—!" Taehyung choked up. "I was just checking!"

Namjoon pursed his lips, taking a moment to look down at the pregnancy test and he firmly gripped the box, got up and ran over to the cash register. He grabbed Taehyung's hand once he finished paying for it, and stomped back home.

He ignored his family's confused and worried looks, frowning at the plastic bag he was holding, and shoved Taehyung into the bathroom with the pregnancy test. He gave him a thumbs up, and Taehyung bit his lip and closed the door. Nervously, he placed a hand over his bare, soft belly, and opened the packaging.

He unwrapped it, gulping, staring at the test before undoing his jeans. Carefully, he did what he had to do, and sat on the toilet seat, nails between his teeth. He looked at the test in misery, and buried his face in his hands.

"Tae?" Namjoon's muffled voice came from right outside the door. "Is everything alright?"

"What's going on?" Jungkook's voice sounded from behind and he heard Jimin hum in agreement, and Jooyeon's loud roar. Soon, both Namjoon's parents filed into the room and Taehyung sat in the bathroom in fear.

"Tae? Baby? Can I come in?"

Taehyung felt panic settle in his chest. "Uh—uhm. Can Jimin come in?"

Jimin peeked his head in, walked in and shut the door. "Tae Tae?" He asked softly, and yelped when Taehyung hugged Jimin. "What's wrong?" He looked down and nuzzled into his younger friend's neck, feeling calm buried into each other's scents.

Taehyung panted heavily into Jimin's neck and whimpered. "I-I don't know what to do."

"What? Don't know what to do?" Jimin frowned, and eyes widened when he saw Taehyung hold up the pregnancy test. It was positive. Gasping, he held a hand over his lips. "Oh my God...Tae..."

Taehyung's eyes welled up with tears. "A-and his p-parents said we-we couldn't h-have pups." He hiccuped and looked away. "What-what do I do?"

"We'll make sure with Seokjin." Jimin said firmly. "We leave tonight anyways. Go straight to Seokjin's house and run some sample tests, and then if it's true, then that's too bad. There's a life inside of you now, baby." Jimin gently kissed Taehyung, and Taehyung whined. "Go announce it."

Taehyung kissed Jimin again. "M'scared."

Jimin giggled at Taehyung's neediness and rubbed their cheeks together. "You'll be fine. Your mate's waiting for you."

And Taehyung stood, slowly pushing open the door to see four pairs of curious eyes land on him. Gulping, he looked back at Jimin and back at Namjoon. Bravely, he held out the pregnancy test, and he heard Namjoon's parents gasp in shock.

Taehyung puffed out his cheeks and placed a hand on his belly.


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