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Namjoon woke up in the hospital with tears staining his cheeks and the pillows.

He let out a shaky breath after staring at the ceiling for a while and he flinched when he felt someone lace their fingers with Namjoon's. Namjoon looked to the side without moving his head and saw Jungkook, his little brother resting his chin sadly against Namjoon's chest.

"Hi hyung." Jungkook whispered, staring at the bedsheets wrapped over him.

Namjoon licked his lips. "Hey Kook...what are you doing here..?"

"You fainted at home...I got a call and I was taken out of school early." Jungkook sniffled and looked at Namjoon. "You said some strange things in your sleep, hyung. I'm worried."

Namjoon wiped the tears from his eyes and laughed. "Yeah? I have a vivid imagination..."

"When you were still with her."

Namjoon flinched and closed his eyes. God, he hated this. He hated being weak in front of his little brother like this.

"Did she hurt you a lot? Mother said you were abused...and all the court stuff happened when I was in junior high so I didn't know about it but...I'm worried." Jungkook whispered. "Th-the doctors told me you have a trauma. Hyung...why didn't you tell me?" His little brother's eyes filled with tears and Namjoon bit his lip, his own tears threatening to fall but he swallowed and blinked them away, bringing Jungkook's hand to his chest.

Namjoon brought Jungkook closer to him, kissing his forehead gently before brushing the brown locks out of his brother's eyes and smiling. "Since when did you get so emotional, Kook-ah? I'm fine, see? It must've been because I didn't drink enough water,"

"Hyung, I'm serious." Jungkook said with a pout. "I'm worried! I saw a big scar on your chest when the doctors were changing you out and it was really gross and scary and, if she did that to you then why isn't she in jail—?!"

Namjoon raised his free hand, silencing Jungkook and Namjoon laughed bitterly. "She didn't do it. Now where's Jooyeon?" He changed the topic but Jungkook still froze and stared, frightened, at Namjoon. Namjoon didn't meet his eyes and stared down at their interlaced fingers.

Jungkook grew silent. "You...you didn't..." Jungkook covered his mouth and stared at him through wide eyes, hiccuping.

"Where's Jooyeon?" Namjoon repeated blankly.

Jungkook began to cry. "Hyung."

"Where is he?!" Namjoon roared and Jungkook flinched. The demand was enough to make the younger begin to cry and sobs escape the alpha's lips and Namjoon breathed heavily as Jungkook threw Namjoon's hand away from his, still crying uncontrollably.

"Hyung—why are you...why didn't you tell me?!" Jungkook wailed, burying his face into Namjoon's chest and his body was wracked with emotions. Namjoon didn't say anything. He let the tears fall silently and yet he was still blank-faced. Where was Taehyung, and Jooyeon? He had to explain. He had to explain, he had to. "Why do you always hide these things from me? Why are you always treating me like a baby?! If I had known, I wouldn't...I wouldn't have told you to put up with my stupid problems like school and relationships! Hyung..."

"Where's Jooyeon?"

Jungkook just cried even more. "Why are you hiding these things from me...?"

"Where's Jooyeon? Kook...tell hyung where his son is."

And Jungkook couldn't speak.


Taehyung held Jooyeon in his hands, calming the younger down. When Namjoon fainted, Taehyung instantly called Jungkook. Jooyeon had screamed, thinking that Namjoon was dead as the alpha had begun to convulse and salive frothed at his lips. The sight was so terrifying that Taehyung covered Jooyeon's eyes and curled his smaller body against his, breathing harshly as Namjoon's pained squeaks and yelps filled the room.

When Jungkook arrived, all Taehyung could smell was Jimin. All over him. But he didn't question that, because now the younger alpha had freaked out and had scared Jooyeon even more. Jungkook hoisted his brother into his arms, stared for a moment at Jooyeon, who looked wide-eyed back, and he left.

"What's gonna hapepen to my Daddy?" Jooyeon whispered, turning around and gently shivering in Taehyung's arms. The omega kissed the top of the pup's head and rubbed his sides.

"Don't you worry about your Daddy." Taehyung murmured, laying back to sleep. "Let's get more nap time...you're tired, aren't you?"

Jooyeon stared at Taehyung with round eyes. "Uhm, hyung? W-what does rape mean?"

Taehyung gulped and brushed the younger's caramel locks out of his eyes and smiled, kissing the baby's chubby cheeks and rubbing his sides again, laughing nervously. "Nothing, pup. Now go to sleep, we're both tired. If you're good, I'll go out and get you some icecream!"

The pup gasped and nodded. "Ice cream! I want strawberry!"

Taehyung giggled and ruffled his hair as the pup nuzzled closer to him, unknowingly coming closer, and Taehyung hugged him tighter even though the pup's skin felt like fire on his. It would be like this for a long time. Until he mated with Namjoon, until they both marked and bit each other, Jooyeon would be like poision to him.

But until then, Taehyung would withstand the pain for him, because when he loved something, he's unable to let it go.

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