Chapter 39

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They took him in to the operation theater and I was admitted to further treatments. They gave me several pain medications as though I needed any of it. Every time the door opened to my room I wished it was him. I pictured it was him though it was impossible.

It's been hours now. I wasn't paying attention to the time. Cause every second felt like an hour without his presence. Liam came over several times. He hadn't left. He kept me updated with Jay's condition. And so far all I know was that he's just out of the surgery.

"How are you?" He asked as if my answer would be different than the last several times he had asked.

"Don't ask" I mumbled presenting the best smile I could come up with "What happened to your face? I was going to ask earlier, but my mind was havoc"

He deliberately shook his head, "I wasn't defending myself properly alright... I could easily take your Jay off-"

"Did Jay? Oh my god why?" I was confused how that could have happened. Jay has never been a bad tempered person that goes far to punch someone.  How Liam reasoned himself made it funnier.

"In the wrong place, at the wrong time Curly!" He shrugged off his broad shoulders, grinning. I joined him. After a bit pause he continued "Hey, I know this is probably not a good time to say this but-" he kept hesitating for few seconds "Jay is a good man. I really don't know was it because of you or he has always been that person... I finally got to see what you saw in him. Why you couldn't let go..." he took my hand in his "I think it's the best that he made that decision even though it put him here."

"No Liam, you don't know" I disagreed.

"I'm a guy Curly. And I'm in love. He was right to rationalize his decision by putting Mel in your shoes. Any of this doesn't necessarily mean that he valued avenging him than being with you. He warned him and he had to keep his word at all cost because of you, to keep you safe, to keep this from happening again" He kept his eyes on me waiting for an answer.

"I know" I put my face on my sweaty bruised palm "I just didn't want him to get hurt. I just can't lose him now Liam" warm tears rolled down as I didn't stop them.

"You won't Curly. You've got to be strong okay. Now before I forget-" he straightened himself on the chair. "-They say that man was interdicted a few months ago from his service in the precinct, saying that he was mentally ill. I guess it got him the upper hand for his sadistic activity. Cause he knew the inside job. Reports say that he had alcohol in his system and drowning was his cause of death. I don't think Jayden would get tangled in to this since he was the one got shot with that freak's bullet" Liam went on "Hey?"

"That's a relief" I sighed. At least Jay wouldn't get in to further abyss.

Liam came closer and pulled me in carefully, consoling me. I realized that I was sobbing "Hey stop crying. He's going to be okay. The surgery was a success; it's just a matter of time that he regains consciousness"

"I want to see him. I know it's too much to ask with what you've already done but can you help me go see him?"  I practically begged.

He nudged my cheek softly "of course". He wheeled me to Jay's room bearing few glares of some nurses as I was told to rest though I didn't listen. He left me there so I could be with Jay and I could use a little time together.

Everything about the way he was...was serene. Wherever he was in his sleep, I knew that it is a better place than where I am right now. Looking at Jay's calm posture I couldn't help but think if anything bad happened to him I am the one who has to live with it. I couldn't end this life that he sacrificed his life for. I am ought to make the best out of it. Because my life has a price and that is his life. But how on earth I would breathe let alone make the best out of it knowing that he's no more.

Serendipity - a fortunate happenstance |✔ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ