Chapter 25

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First thing in the morning I checked the doors, again. They were still closed. It wasn't a fresh start at all. I was feeling weary. Last night incident took a toll on me. It felt like a nightmare unfortunately have gotten twisted with a dream. Obviously Jay's arrival was what I meant by latter.

I couldn't relate myself to a hangover since I've never had one, but I think this, how I'm feeling right now might exceed the worst one out there. I couldn't eat anything. Instead I brewed a coffee and slumped myself on to the couch, pulling my knees to my chest like that would shield me from the invisible danger I was facing.

I should be worrying about, only about, who broke into my house last night. Yet my mind drifts off too Jay several times, well most of the times. I couldn't take my thoughts off him. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself that Jay being here was just a mere coincidence, I couldn't. I wanted to talk to him. I should have asked him to stay a little while longer. I wouldn't know if I ever get to see him again. After so much time, I still craved for his presence. How pathetic am I?

The chicken pot pie I craved so much last night was still on the counter, untouched. It went straight to the bin. I might have had a heart attack yesterday if I knew I'd be wasting it. But today so much has changed since the pot pie. After cleaning the kitchen I head out. I had no classes in the morning, but it was depressing to be inside after last night. I got out and put the key in. After making sure it was locked I turned around to step in to the drive way. Then only I saw that I wasn't alone on the porch.

"Jay?" He stood up from the old swing on the porch. "What are...what are you doing here this early?" He still had the same black sweater and gray pants, like he didn't leave yesterday. "You stayed here last night?"

He smiled softly, "You were scared. I couldn't leave you-" he added after a slight pause "- alone."

"You shouldn't have Jay. It might've been freezing out here. Why didn't you come in?" he must be really tired comparing to me.

"I didn't wanna freak you out you know" his eyes never left mine. "Let me give you a ride." He offered out of the blue.

"Um...aren't you gonna have a shower or something?" It wasn't a good way to start the day wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday. After all he has always been a very hygienic person unlike me.

He chuckled, not a carefree one I was used to, it was held back. "I can probably stop by at my place for a quick shower right?"

"You live here?"

"Hop on" He didn't have the hard posture he had yesterday before he left. That's a good thing, because I wanted answers. Why appear in my life? Why now? But it seemed like I had to wait. He gave me his helmet and got on the bike.

"Don't you have two helmets?" I asked.

"I do, but usually don't carry it around." He said simply and kick start the bike.

"Then you should wear this" I said giving it back to him.

He took the helmet and put it on me. "Your head is far more important to me....than mine okay." He said after securing the buckle on the helmet.

It takes quite a little more time for me to grasp everything he says and does, like I am walking on a dream that I had to soon wake up from. Every second felt surreal. I should be running away from him. No good could possibly come out from lingering around him any longer. It never did and never will. I should know better. But how could I just ignore him when everything about him makes me wonder is he the same person or not. Either he has changed or he has gotten better at his game.

He took a turn after few blocks down from my place. He came to stop at a house in the Primrose Avenue. In the garage, his black Audi was parked. I remembered the vehicle. Did he move here recently? Or did he live here back then too? I don't know which were the lies and which weren't. Basically I don't know him like I thought I was.

Serendipity - a fortunate happenstance |✔ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang