Chapter 05

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It had been two hours since the surgery was over. It was past the midnight when a nurse rushed to give me the news. Those words were like a life-west which held me up from the water I was drowning in. "She's awake. She's asking for you". I couldn't even remember how I got in to my feet and moved myself to her room. My body was stiff from being still for four hours. I got to her room.

She was a mess. She was bruised from head to toe. Her head was covered with a clean bandage. Few curls were hanging from here and there. When my eyes met hers, I shouldn't be surprised, she was smiling. It started from her eyes and ended in her perfect lips, a beautiful smile enough for me to feel myself breathing again.

"You okay!" Her voice was low and hoarse, almost like she was talking to herself. How could she possibly bother about my condition? Has she lost her mind altogether? Wasn't she the one who has been unconscious for hours? This is who she was. She was unrealistically, the most selfless person I've ever seen and I ever would. I smiled back "yeah, I am. How are you feeling?" I wanted to know.

She flashed my favorite smile, "well, I'm feeling better. But are you sure you're okay? Cause you look... kinda pale".

Even slightly twitching the corners of my lips to smile back, it hurt. It was like I was smiling for the first time. For the first time after a long time I was really happy, happy to see her smiling back. "I'm fine really" -as long as you're okay, as long as you've got reasons to be happy, I am the happiest man- "I guess... I will be more than fine."

I knew that moment she had become the meaning of my life. Finally I got something to fight for; LOVE. I found someone worth fighting for; HER.

I could feel that I had become the exact opposite of who I'd been because of this girl. But it was not enough excuse to forgive myself for what I did to her. I wouldn't try to deny the fact that she deserves better.

I knew I should be noble enough to let her go. That was what I should be doing now. But I couldn't be selfless enough to let her go, not now. All my life I wandered around just like a soulless person. I wasn't seeing anyone. I was hurting everyone around me, myself included. I thought there wouldn't be

anything to find which would make me suffer less, which could make my life easier, even a little bit. But now with her I feel like I could finally begin.

I couldn't let her go now. Every second we spend together, every thought I denied, every feeling that led me to her, rushed in to me like a whirlpool. Even the thought of letting her was enough to suffocate me. She owned me now. She would be the reason for who I am from now on, for what I am capable of from now on. To me, she would become the reason.

I remember once she quoted this line, the way Edward express what it felt like when suddenly Bella entered to his life, like a meteor shot across his moonless night and the way it made everything bright, at least his sky had stars until she happened, he had reasons to survive. But mine didn't. It was just pure darkness, loneliness. No one would ever get what it was like to survive in it this far. That's why I'm saying, she's no meteor but my full moon, which never ever gonna fall over. There won't be a need of a single star as long as she's there up on my sky.

A knock on the door took my eyes away from hers. A police officer barged in. He was a middle-aged man with a file curled on his left arm. "Folks, Sorry to disturb you. I need a few minutes?" I was the one nodded. "I've got to ask a few questions regarding the accident, if that's okay".

She answered, "Of course, what do you wanna know about it?"

He cleared his thought and went on, "what do you think that caused this accident?"

This was it. I had to answer now. She deserved the truth. She cut me in before I started, "There was something wrong with the breaks". Her voice was light. My eyes were on the ground.

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