Chapter 10

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I was on Melanie's door step 8 am sharp. Tia got the door for me. Melanie was right behind her, already dressed up. She was wearing cute Chiffon sleeveless floral dress. Her honey blonde hair was perfectly blow dried. But Tia was still on her PJs.

"Wow! Mel you look... great in that dress" I won't be under-dressed only till Tia remain in her PJs. I had my skinned jeans on with a Grey T-shirt and my lucky converse shoes, at least they've once been.

"What the hell happened to you Yumi?" Of course, they noticed the Band-Aid. Tia asked first. She was horrified.

"I went under a bus. No big deal" I chuckled.

"It was that same scar, wasn't it? I told you to get rid of that already, didn't I?" Mel was mad. She kept saying that she would die for thick eye lashes like mine. And she admitted recently that she envy my skin color too. I practically have the color of Obama. I don't know what she sees in me. Clearly I got nothing to be envied for, comparing to her. She was the perfect Barbie doll that guys crave for. Yet she thinks I'm better and that scar was really bothering her in a different way than it did to me.

"Okay I just hit my head. It's fine. I just covered it since we're going to a hospital today, just to avoid getting germs in it you know." I tried to get over it. I didn't want them to pry on it. I've got no intention to answer the same question about how did I get the scar, like in the days I first moved here, like I was scared like pirate. They might be thinking in an era women go for extends to change their entire body as they please, why wouldn't I remove that scar or cover it up with a few layers of make-up. It seemed to bother everyone who laid eyes on me. My inner self laughed out loud. It was annoying at first then I went saying that was a birthmark.

"Okay fine. Just give me a minute I'll get ready soon" Tia headed to her room.

"Could you please hurry up T. Devin will be here anytime soon". Melanie was eager.

"Okay, okay..... Yumi must be hungry, just give her something to eat first" Tia yelled from her room.

"We just had breakfast. Do you want some? Waffles?" Melanie offered.

"Sure" she poured honey syrup on top of it and placed it beside me. I leaned on to counter digging in to the waffles.

She opened the refrigerator and scanned through "Well we have milk and some apple juice, what would you like?"

"Whatever there is Mel." my mouth was full "hey did you put banana in these waffles?"

"Yeah I did." she took the apple juice out and shake it a little "Well actually we had some apple juice last night but not anymore." making a face she tossed the empty bottle in to the bin and pour some milk, "milk it is then"

"I thought you wouldn't come. I -" she stopped halfway. We both heard a car pulling in to her driveway; she was on her heels running to get the door. She opened the door even before he killed the engine.

"Hi Devin" Melanie greeted him.

Devin peeked in, "Hi Mel. Hey Yumi, you made it early." He was surprised to see me this early. I put the plates in the dishwasher and greeted him "Hey! Yeah, we were waiting for you". I gulped in some milk.

"Where's Tia? ...still in PJs?"

In response, Melanie rolled her eyes at Devin. While I was watching her, I could see her expression changing. "Hey Liam" her face lightened up. I turned around to see the new comer.

"Hey... all" He was leaning on the door frame. He was piece of art actually, I wouldn't blame Mel. No wonder Melanie kept bragging about him. Though there were a little bit of resemblance between him and Devin, he was taller than him. His features were prominent than him. He had the same thick brown hair like Devin and brown eyes. He's beautiful, totally her type. They would make a nice couple someday. He nodded at Melanie.

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