Chapter 08

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Tia was the last one to finish the presentation. Devin made the lamest excuse and postponed his to next week. He had his charms over Professor Wesley. After the presentation we went to the Food-court. The one who scored the highest had to pay or once every three days Devin pays as he never fits to the above category. I was the one to pay today. I asked them to keep it low-key as I am still living on mom and dad's allowances. I was looking for a part time job but I was out of luck.

Melanie and I went to the counter. While I was paying, Melanie got two pizza boxes in each hand and strode to the table. By the time she reached to the table there were lots of helping hands. They seemed hungry. I grabbed the cokes and went to the seat.

"What's wrong with that dude?" Devin asked, it was a bit of a smug. He was referring to the guy who had just entered. He had a black hoodie on covering his face. I saw him entering on my way to the table.

"Was that your jacket he's wearing, Devin?" Tia was already sucking the last drop of her coke.

"Nope" Devin shrugged.

"Then don't bother, this is America for god sake. People have issues" Tia was teasing. She enjoyed it. She adores Devin. Almost everyone in college knows that there's a thing going on between them, except them of course.

The hoodie took a seat right next our table, he had his back on us. Melanie and I was busy dealing with the sausage pizza. It wasn't a secret anymore, that when it comes to pizzas we are devils. With Devin in the table we had to be extra fast on our pace. It didn't take much time to clear the table. Soon there were bunch of empty pizza boxes and crushed empty coke cans.

I have got the longest drive home comparing to others. So I was the one eager to leave. Melanie is sharing her aunt's place with Tia. Her aunt's family moved to Phoenix last year. So they've got the whole house for themselves. They kept bugging me to move in with them. But I needed time alone. That was the whole point coming here. I couldn't risk it. I couldn't let them see how broken I am. So I told them I would think about that. But I am clearly not planning on it.

Devin was born here in North Carolina. He lives with his family. Melanie is having a huge crush on Devin's brother, Liam. They met in a blind-date which was perfectly arranged by Tia and Devin. She was head-over-heels for him ever since. I never had a chance to meet him. I haven't spent much time in Devin's house as Melanie and Tia did. According to Melanie's massive introductions he seemed like a nice guy. Well, who am I to judge one? Oh well, the last time I checked, I almost killed myself.

When we finally left the Food-court it was almost 6. Sun was setting down. "Hey, are you gonna walk to the bus stop, let me give you a ride." It seemed like Devin's never going to stop offering me rides. How could I explain it to him that I am terrified to ride in a car?

"It's Okay Devin, I should burn some calories, you know" it's awful that I have to keep making excuses every day.

"Oh come on Yumi" Tia groaned. She is up to anything if that means she can spend some more time with him.

"Besides it's getting late. You have to take Melanie before she starts sleep-talking" I told them eyeing Melanie, she was already yawning.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't have much sleep like forever... that stupid presentation" Melanie mumbled.

"Oh... please" Tia and Devin laughed hysterically at the same time.

"What is it?" I had no idea what was going on with them for past few days. I was so worked up on today's presentation I hardly know which day today is.

"She was literally the band manager of Liam's band for an entire week now." Tia answered before Melanie even starts speaking.

"Oh! Liam's band! Is he planning on a tour or something?" Liam is currently majoring in music as far as I knew. He is a senior. Melanie once told me that he plays for a college band. It seemed like for the past week the world has turned upside down.

Devin and Tia burst into a laugh "Ha-ha very funny." Melanie grimaced.

"I'm sorry Mel. I wasn't joking, seriously, what am I missing?" I didn't mean to offend Melanie, but it looked like I did. I knew how serious Melanie is when 'Liam' is on the topic.

"It was just for a fundraising event." Devin nudged Melanie playfully, making her even more annoyed.

"You know for the cancer hospital" Tia explained.

"Wow! That's so nice of him. How come you never told me about it before Mels?" Melanie shrugged her shoulders, grinning.

I felt sorry for Liam. I knew the reason and it was very personal. Devin told us his long time high school sweetheart has died few years ago from a brain tumor. He still hadn't got over her. I slightly remembered how Melanie kept bragging about it, that how faithful boyfriend he has been even after her sudden demise.

"I was hoping to invite you. Tia and Devin will be there too. Please don't say you can't come" Melanie seemed excited. She went on again "Seriously Yumi, you would definitely fall for him. Any girl would obviously. But you wouldn't right? He's all mine." That, put a smile on to my face. I wanted to answer her that no way I would fall for him, or any other guy for that matter.

"Hey Yumi, I think you should try him" Devin pointed his nose to the hoodie who was now leaving the food court "seems like his date bailed on him" His head was lowered.

"Cut it out Devin, Stop looking at him, that guy could be a psychopath. Why would he try to hide his face that much if not...I haven't seen his face for entire time he was weird" Tia was almost whispering.

Devin flashed his usual crooked smile at Tia. Tia punched him in his gut. I could see that it's getting too late. "I gotta go guys, I'll see guys then" before Devin get started begging me to accept his ride again, I got to the sidewalk. They got in to Devin's Chevrolet and waved me as they leave. I waved back.

It took almost five minutes for me to get to the bus stop. As I got on to the bus, I saw that same hoodie seated in front of my usual seat. I was confused. Could it be the same person? I wondered. How could he beat me to the bus station? I didn't saw a vehicle anywhere near the food-court except Devin's. Anyway why do I care? Maybe he had called a cab or something. But I couldn't help myself from thinking why this situation felt oddly familiar to me. Only then that it hits me. I do remember it was the same black jacket, the one who seated in front of my seat in the morning. This has to be him. Is it a coincidence?

By the time I got off the bus, the hoodie was still seated. I got off. I was truly exhausted. I had to walk pass several houses on Sawyer Drive to get to my house from the bus stop. I started walking. Street lamps were already turned on. Once in a while a car passed by me. Apart from that, there was no one on the road. It's probably time for dinner to others, yet I was still on my way home.

When I got on to my drive way, I saw a dark shadow behind me, from the corner of my eye. I turned around. I would swear on my mom's name, I did saw him... again, for the fourth time of the day. It was the Black hoodie. In a blink of an eye, he vanished into thin air. I was stunned. I quickly went to the door, unlocked it at once and got in. Tia's words echoed in my ears.

"Stop over reacting!" I told myself. What's there to freak out? May be he lives somewhere here in Dawning Creek. It has been only months since I moved here. There's no way I could know all the people who lives here, though it is a small town.


✔Author's note

So many reads in such a short time. Thank you so much. Leave a comment. Vote if you like it. Love you guys.

Until next time,

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