Chapter 35

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(Jay Walker)


'Oh I'm missing her already' I am talking to myself in my mind. I really couldn't believe that I was strong enough drive away from her, watching her on the porch. God! It wasn't like I didn't try to turn around a couple of times. What on earth did Miles have gotten himself in to? 'God Miles, perfect timing' I couldn't help myself hissing. Today could have been the day I could fall asleep with her in my arms not worrying every time she breathe, that she'll slip away from me like everything else I had given in my life, though there weren't many.

Miles's call interrupted my sweet hallucination. "Hey man I'm on my way-" I said before he even asked.

"Jayden... Don't come. Stay where you are." His voice was full of terror.

"Miles... what's going on?" Is he really high on drugs? No he can't be. "Are you on drugs?-"

His helpless voice cut me off "Jayden... Jayden I can see you.... Pull over". As I raised my head I saw his mini cooper stopping at the broken post just ahead the Buckley Bridge. I pulled over right in front of his. I ended the call and got off. He was already at my door.


"Jayden, I'm sorry man... I didn't know what to do. I just did what he has asked me to otherwise he'll mess with my probation and you know that'll be the death of me... I just got my family back...and Chelsea...oh god you know it's too much to lose-" Miles carried on out of breath.

"Miles! Calm down. Who's who? What the hell he had asked you to do? Just tell me." I tried to calm him down. His face was blanched. If I haven't knew him better, I would have surely misunderstand him that he was high.

He shivered in terror "I don't know man, who it was; I only know he is a cop. He flashed me his badge...the hell he asked me to call you and ask you to come over ASAP. I thought he wanted to get you for some reason. I tried hard to get away...but he threatened me."

"What? What do you mean he wanted to get me...? Where the hell he is now?" Miles was really getting on to my nerves as he was leaving out all the details which would at least slightly give me a chance to get what was happening.

"He just left right away, the second I called you. He was a weirdo man... like he was focusing on something else entirely on his he just wanted to get you out with no intention to meet you at all....What does he want?"

Everything around me went silent, and my heart raced, my body started boiling. "No no...." I didn't want him to repeat. His words were already reechoing in my head. 'Like he was focusing on something else entirely on his mind, like he just wanted to get me out with no intentions to meet me', He wasn't looking for me....God no...... EMS!

"He is not after me" I mumbled as I ran fast to the car "'s not me"

"Jayden...what is it? Could you please tell me why these cops are looking for you? Jayden-" I didn't need any more explanations. And I clearly had no time to explain either. How come I became such a moron to leave her alone at this hour? maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe it was just a drunk cop or something. I can't gather up my mind to think clearly. I was already in my car racing up to the highest speed possible. I heard Miles shout behind me. But he didn't seem to follow me. Good, because today whoever this is, gonna die on my hands.

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