Chapter 11

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The band got on to the stage. Melanie did the intro and welcomed the band to the stage. First three songs were going to be band's choice. And the next few would be the choice of the audience. First they sang one of Linkin Park's, 'Leave out all the rest'. It was one of my all-time favorites. Liam's voice was beyond perfect. I thought Melanie was a bit exaggerating when she goes on about how good he was. But it was actually good.

Next the band played 'Happy' Pharrel William's. It generated a nice upbeat atmosphere to the audience, just what they needed, to be 'happy'. Then they played, as per Mel's introduction 'Dance in the grave yard' which I heard for the first time. Travis seemed to enjoy the show. He seemed a little brighter and alive than he was a while ago. When I look around I realized it was not only Travis but all the rest in the basement seemed to be enjoying it. Most of them were singing the songs along with the band. So did I.

There were three in Liam's band. Liam was the guitarist as well as the lead singer. I knew the names of the other two; Tim and Nick, thanks to Melanie's constant babbling about the band though I have no idea who is who. The drummer boy had a curly blonde hair. I've seen him in college. Other guy who was playing the keyboard was slender and tall. I heard he went to the same high school as Tia.

After the first three songs, the audience's requests flooded in. Liam's band as well as Mel was overwhelmed. Mel was the one handled the requests. She was so excited. They played several songs. 'Wake me up', 'She will be loved' and 'God gave me you' were my favorites which made it in to the list of requests.

"What's your favorite song?" suddenly Travis asked me.

"Umm... I've got tons" I said.

"Just pick one then." He said. His voice was weak just as his body.

"Well that's hard, Okay...Mmmm...'Oblivion'.... Bastille" it was beyond impossible to pick one out of millions. Since he insisted I gave him one.

He nodded and slowly raised his hand "Okay, let's give a chance to this one right here. What's your name buddy?" Mel's voice distracted me. I took my eyes to the stage and back at Travis.

Mel got down from the stage and handed him the microphone. "My name is Travis Spence. I would like to request this song..." he looked at me smiling sheepishly "...Oblivion." He said.

Behind Melanie, I saw Liam removed the guitar from his shoulder and gave a nod to the guy at the keyboard. I knew that song was more of an acoustic kinda one. It seemed like he is going to sing the song only with the keyboard.

He closed his eyes and the song begun. The lights dimmed in to set the serene ambiance for the audience.

'When you fall asleep.....with your head upon my shoulder When you're in my arms.....but you've gone somewhere deeper…'

Without even knowing my eyes were closed. In the darkness of my own, slowly but firmly his voice started melting in to my ears. I was totally hypnotized by the mesmerizing voice. Bastille's voice was slowly replaced with Liam's beautiful voice. It filled the entire basement along with the low echo of the keyboard. I didn't want it to end, it felt nice. As it ends I opened my eyes. His eyes locked on mine.

"Thank you Travis" as the whole basement was filling with the huge round of applause I thanked him.

"Well consider it's a way paying gratitude for spending Christmases and birthdays entertaining the sick" He said shaking his head.

I helped him to wheel himself to the elevator. His nurse volunteered to accompany him to his room. He waved me before leaving the basement. I searched around looking for Devin and Tia as it was no use of looking for Mel thinking she might be already with Liam at backstage. It felt like a different place than the one I entered, faces were all lit up with bright smiles. Most of them look weak and needed help to get back. but they seemed happier. Music has its impacts, the good ones. I thought.

Serendipity - a fortunate happenstance |✔ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ