#Chapter 12: Meeting the 'new' family

Start from the beginning

It’s creepy, the group of kids just had to play a prank but it turned out to be wrong. And the poor guy died. Gosh imagine me, little girl, watched that movie with my brother at night, with flashes of lightning and booming of thunders. My brother would then be next to me hugging and protecting me like the hero he was. I smiled as I reminisce the moments I shared with my brother long ago.

“Hello? Are you even here?” a husky voice asked.

I wiped out the silly smile I had on my face before turning to look at him. He pursed his lips, before a smile broke out.

“Are you done day dreaming?”

I gave a close grin before placing my hands onto the sides of my cheeks. He smirked before signalling me to walk.

“I’m supposed to lead you to the door. As much as you seem harmless to me, that doesn’t mean that I’ve have accepted you. No doubt I don’t like you since no offense you are the cause of what’s happening now.”

He gave me a stern look before taking a long stride to the same door I went in earlier. My face paled after he said that. Underneath that “friendly” tone of his, there lays the danger.  I groaned silently as I struggled with the clutches again. Looks like I will need more time adjusting to this situation. I’m thankful enough that I could at least walk.

As I went into the room, I could feel my heart drop. I shifted uneasily.

“Guys, meet the infamous Jennifer!” Jeremy grinned.

The guys look at me as if I’m some alien that had just landed. Some look lustfully at me. I blushed as I remembered what happened earlier. They were definitely recalling my lack of clothing. Just a nice timing to start meeting my new ‘family’.

The guys chorused ‘hey’, ‘hi’. I smiled anxiously as I glanced around nodding my head to the rest. Almost all of them were good-looking. Mexican, Brazilian, you name it. I guess it’s time for my interaction with the guys…


Blake came into the room not long after Jeremy decided to have a ‘family’ dinner. Blake looked frustrated and annoyed at the same time. Tyler came in next looking panic-stricken. Jeremy noticed the change and immediately became serious.

“What happened? Don’t tell me this is about Jacob again?” Jeremy whined.

My eyes bulged as I saw the confirmation nod from both Tyler and Blake.  So they were out all this while trying to solve things with Jacob’s gang? The guys around me quieten. Austin, the hot Brazilian gave me a concerning look. Austin is one of the guys that I got comfortable with just now. He’s funny and matured unlike some of the other guys.

The three guys went to one corner and started discussing intensely. Seriously I just don’t get it… is it that bad; I mean has my presence led to this much trouble? I hopped, using the clutches, dejectedly to the nearest sofa before slumping down.  I placed the clutches against the side of the sofa.

The sofa dipped downwards, indicating that someone had just sat next to me. I stared straight and made my face blank. I don’t want to trouble them anymore. And so I will pretend to be alright just like usual. I felt a tap on my shoulders. Making sure that I’m not showing any emotion, I turned and gave a fake smile.

“Are you okay? Wait that is a stupid question…just forget what I said. Look we have the three great masters there. I’m sure they can come up with something and you will be okay alright?” Austin said softly.

I gave him a I’m-fine -smile and nodded my head.

“Thanks Austin. I know…any way what’s with the attack from Jacob’s gang? Why he wants me so much?” I asked clueless.

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