Chapter 11: I am Agent Chaos

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"You didn't have to say it like that to her. You could've just asked her nicely." Triela lectured me while her arms were crossed.

"Well I wanted to talk to you alone and if that's going to happen then no one should be here," I responded to her comment. I quickly opened the mini pack of memory dust from my pocket, and tossed it into my palm. I held on to it tightly and moved closer to her. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" She asked me.

I smiled at her as she raised an eyebrow at me, "It was nice knowing you, until the very end," I sincerely said. She looked taken aback for a second, clearly confused. I quickly opened up my hand and blew most of the memory dust in her face. The sparkles started flying around her face. She tried to fan the dust away from her face as she glared at me furiously. She pushed me into the bathroom stall suddenly and I froze, shocked by her response. She started to scream, "What are you trying to do to me!" Her eyes bored into mine as they became filled with anger and curiosity.

'What's going on in there?' Charlotte asked, mind linking me.

'What's going on out there?' I countered while Triela was basically trying to bash my face in, but I blocked her attacks.

'There were a few girls out here asking me why they can't go in the bathroom; I just told them that the janitor is fixing a flood in there.'

'Best lie ever!' I chirped sarcastically.

'Yeah, as if you could do any better?' She asked sarcastically. I hissed as Triela scratched my thigh. I endured the pain and kept the other half of the memory dust in the palm of my left hand, which was closed tight. Since she continued attacking me, I quickly kneed her as hard as I could in the stomach. Her eyes bulged from the impact. I quickly took my left hand and rubbed the dust in her hair. She started to struggle, but I wrapped my legs around her waist to hold her down. Then I used both hands to rub the dust into her scalp completely. She shivered and then relaxed herself on top of my body. I slowly shoved her off of me and got out the stall.

'I'm done' I said in Charlotte's mind, after my response she came in, "O-H M-Y, GAWD what happened to your face!" She cried out with shock. I pointed a finger at Triela, "She fucked it up," I replied, probably with a bored expression. "Come on let me heal you," she said as she ran to the bathroom door, locking it with the janitor's keys. I watched her keenly as she did it.

"Magic," she said as she smiled. The palm of her hands started to glow as she put her hands above my injuries. Illusionist can't actually heal other people or ourselves, but neither can monks' either. Only priestesses and witches can. As from what Hei told me, witches are very different, some have evil sources of energy. After Charlotte finished healing me, I took a good look at Triela who was laid down on the bathroom floor-unconscious. Eventually someone will find her, call her mom, and ask her why her daughter is asleep on the bathroom floor. Charlotte and I exited the bathroom and went through the rest of the school day peacefully. When it was finally two-forty five, I was ready to go to my after school job until Charlotte called me. "What?" I snapped at her.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Um...I'm going to the salon." I answered back.

"Why? Are you getting your hair done?" She started to play with the curls in my hair.

"I work there," I said as I rolled my eyes. She slowly looked up at me, "You know, you never really told me about your past that much, so I was wondering if you-"

"And it's going to stay that way," I said, bluntly cutting her off. I sped walked out of school and walked four blocks to the train station. I hope I'm not late because I really hate my manager. She gives you the most outrageous punishments if you do something wrong on the job; or if you're late. I walked into the salon only to be greeted by China, my manager. "Taiga," she nodded at me while I just stared back at her impassively. I walked up to the reception desk where Perez worked. He was a receptionist while I was a face painter and hair stylist. But I also do people's nails from time to time.

"Hi Perez, any customers for me yet?" I smiled at him warmly, because I knew if I didn't he'd give me attitude. He smiled back, but he looked extra happy like he was glowing. He looked down at his light green clip board.

"You seem extra happy today. Did something good happen with Aaron," I cooed. He blushed furiously, his eyes were fixed on the desk. Perez has a boyfriend named Aaron. They're a good couple, sometimes Aaron gets really jealous and possessive but Perez said he loves that about him. He grabbed his clipboard, and then looked back up at me. "Your customer is a woman named Lucy, over there," he pointed to the blonde woman who was on the right side of the salon, sitting in one of the hair stylist seats in the back. But I didn't see her face yet.

"Lucy..." I whispered to myself, but then I looked back up at Perez and thanked him. "No problem," he said while biting his pen. I walked up to my customer as she turned around in her seat and gazed up at me whilst smiling innocently. My eyes widened, because I knew who she was. "Why are you witches wherever I am today," I demanded in a hushed tone, "Matter of fact it feels like you all are following me," I sneered at her. She pursed her lips, "Hey, hey, I just wanted to get my nails and hair done, I didn't know you worked here." She smiled with fake innocence. "Faker," I huffed. "I'll be right back, I need to get the hair and nails supplies for you," I sneered at her again. She gaped at me before I walked away from her and to my locker. China eyed me suspiciously when I approached the "Employees Only" door.

"Don't worry I know that lady, I wouldn't do that to just anyone," I explained to China as I quickly moved into the room before her emotions changed on me again.


When I got back to Lucy I saw her calmly listening to her music, before I popped them out her ears. She glared at me and I playfully glared back at her, "Sorry there's no headphones allowed when your hair is being looked at," I said smugly whilst placing all my things together as she watched me. I turned towards her and asked, "What do you want me to do with your hair?"


After finishing with her hair, I did her nails also. When I was finished with my station I got ready to leave with Perez. Perez drove us to my apartment since I was letting him stay over my place to talk about Aaron. When we arrived at my apartment, I pushed him on my couch, "Alright spill," I pursed my lips at him.

"Yes, but let's talk over drinks first girl," he smirked while getting up to grab the alcohol first. At least drinks would help me forget about Triela, she really made my day stressful. It was almost like she was planted in the back of my head. I wonder if that's a bad sign in the near future; might as well forget it now. For the rest of the night Perez and I had our own mini party full of Whiskey, Rum, and Vodka.

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