Chapter 9

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Taiga's P.O.V
Everyone said their goodbyes, Lucy, Charlotte, Gum, Rosalie and Mammon, all five witches teleported. Their teleportation made me realize what their main powers might be. Lucy's main power is light energy. Charlotte's main power involved light magic spells. Gum wouldn't even tell me her main power. I just think it's because maybe she doesn't like me, but she did tell me that she specializes in martial arts. The way she looked at me though was as if she saw saw me as a threat. It was very strange. Rosalie teleports with tulips flying around her, she claims that her main power is earth. Mammon's main power is air.


Hei and I reached my apartment safely. He reached for my hand and I let him take it. He squeezed it lightly so I turned around to give him a look of concern, he just stared at me and said with a rough voice, "They're lying to you." Then he let go of my hand and went near the window, looking out at the night sky, watching cars pass by.

"Who is lying to me?" I asked, clearly confused.

"The witches," he responded, leaving no hesitation.

"So you're saying that everything they told me was a lie...?" I asked in a tight voice, a little scared. He chuckled, "No stupid."

"Then what are you talking about?" I asked again-this time with a flat voice, whilst frowning.

"I'm talking about when they say there are no real Flares. All the witches, monks, illusionist, and priestesses are all Flares. But each of them are in different cults, groups, or guilds. You decided to side with the witches' and not the illusionist cult," he informed me in a husky voice, whilst watching me. He continued, "Well illusionist are very forgiving so they probably won't be angry at you for joining the witches, in fact they might even be amicable about it. Priestesses are friendly with witches and illusionist, but monks don't like witches or illusionist. They feel like you people disrupt world peace. So be careful of the monks. Each cult has a leader, and that leader is called a True Flare."

"Since there are four magical cults... What do they represent Taiga?" He asked in a high-pitched voice whilst smiling at me playfully. I answered his question, "Illusionist, monks, witches, and priestesses, so there are four leaders."

"Score one Taiga, my tiny princess!" Hei cheered me on with a wide grin and bright eyes, I groaned and rolled my eyes at him, "Shut up."

"Aw..." He pouted, "But all four True Flares are dead now. Each time all four Flare leaders die, people like me are put to work. We clients put the Flare organization in progress. The witches and the Flare Queens didn't tell you this yet (and I wasn't allowed to tell you, but I'm telling you now because I think you're ready) because they think you're too young to handle this kind of information. I for one think everyone should join, especially in the position that you are in. I want you to understand that... you are apart of this war too," he said seriously. I didn't know what to say, so I just stood near my couch bewildered. Hei was now standing an inch from me as I gazed up from the floor slowly.

"So who am I fighting against?" I asked, my voice lowered a bit and I sounded small. I had to know what I was up against.

"Actually I'd say the priestesses and monks, because witches and illusionist are impure while monks and priestesses are pure. Well right now you don't start the war yet, but you have to kill as many targets as it takes. But right now, you have a big target to go after. If other cult members steal your kill, you have to fight them-especially if they are part of the cult you're up against," he explained.

"So my main objective is taking out as many targets as I can, and defeating members of the Priestess and Monk cults." I paused for a moment, thinking of all the commitments I would have to put into this war. "Only if they get in my way though, then I'll do what I have to do," I said, quietly reminding myself.

"The witches you met today aren't into the Flare or the wars. They're against it, so they're not fighting in this war. That's why they don't have clients, they don't go after targets, and most of them had their parents or other people to mentor them." He abruptly said. A pang of jealousy smashed into my chest at the moment when he mentions "mentors" and "parents". It made me feel lonely because my mother only taught me for a short while before she died, and those witches actually had someone by their side while I didn't. I had to study and learn all on my own, I had to figure out how to defend myself. But I guess Hei was my mentor, and I know martial arts because of him. But he's not a parent to me, he's my partner, my companion, and some would say that I'm too young for him-well only in the human world.

I sighed. I was growing tired of all these explanations, but I would have to deal with it. Hei sat on my couch while I sat down with him, I moved closer to him and laid my head on his toned chest. He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me closer, and placed his chin on my head. I felt so safe with him. He broke me away from my thoughts, "You know if you become a True Flare you will be able to find out what happened to your family. Plus, you're an illusionist so you'll be able to have the full vision of what really happened to them-without any outside help," he whispered. "Promise me, you'll stay when this is all over?" He asked, and I hear the anxiousness in his voice. Will I be alive when this is all over? I loved Hei, but I don't know if I can make a promise that I'll come back to him. I'll probably have to lie to him to make him stop worrying about me.

"I promise," I said.

"I love you," he said. Tears started to make its way out of my eyes. I didn't like lying to him. "Sh... it's ok," he wiped my tears away as I whimpered. He then kissed my cheek, leaving his lips there for a while. He held me tightly until I fell asleep.

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